EGW Devotionals

Dear Staff,
Can we get the EGW devotionals in the new EGW writings resource to be dated so they will show up as devotionals on the home page? They will not show currently. They are organized by daily title, with no mention of a date; therefore Logos does not recognize them as a calendar devotional even though the library lists EGW devotionals as that type.
Logos has plans to improve the tagging and function of the software. See this thread.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Dear Lynden,
How do I forward my thoughts to the developers? I didn't see anything about specifically date tagging the EGW devotionals so they could be recognized by the Home Page as calendar devotionals.
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Michael A. Mnich said:
Dear Lynden,
How do I forward my thoughts to the developers? I didn't see anything about specifically date tagging the EGW devotionals so they could be recognized by the Home Page as calendar devotionals.
Send an email to and bradley@faithlife dot com.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Dear Lynden,
Bradley's email didn't work. I put the .com in.
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Mike, great suggestion. We have gotten updated files from the White Estate and will use whatever paging that derives from them, to keep them uniform with church publications.
- This should accomplish what you want, although I can’t guarantee it (since I don’t oversee the conversion of thousands of pages into our format).
Thanks again for your suggestion. It’s a good one and I hope it works out accordingly.
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Dear Martin,
As I understand from Logos, the Home page will NOT read a devotional as a calendar devotional unless the date is on each page. Whoever is reformatting, should at least know that so they can possibly add that to EGW devotionals.
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I already discussed pagination with them, and I've also requested that they will do for EGW's devotionals what they did for Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional book (and of course for all lectionaries).
I don't have the power to decree anything, but I've urgently requested.
Thanks for your diligence, Mike and Lynden as well, to this important question.
P.S. The White Estate is working with us through this process. I've had several conversations this week with my friends there with questions that got answered. Everyone knows how important this is the Logos SDA, and the White Estate is excited as well.