Community note error

Josh Neighbors
Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

For the last few days I continue to get a "community note error" on my ios apps. The description of the error: "Sorry, we couldn't post your community note. Please try again later." After waiting and trying over the next few days, I removed and reinstalled the app.  Same message. The status is the same whether on wifi or cellular network. 

Anyone else experiencing this problem? Any troubleshooting suggestions?

Do you think customer service can help?



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Do you make and use community notes? If so, what is the desktop version showing?

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    We've reproduce this and are looking into this issue.

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭


    I haven't followed up on this thread because Kevin indicated that the issue was being looked into. I just checked today to see if the community note error is still active, and I'm still getting the message.  I am not able to view community notes or post community notes at this time (using 4.4.2)

    alabama24, when it's working, I have a family group and a youth group with whom I share community notes (tied to references).  I haven't spent much time looking at community notes on the desktop version.  My "audience" doesn't use the desktop version.



  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Discovered a workaround on posting notes:

    If swiping up, selecting the correct text, then choosing "Add Note," the community note can be added from (my) ios device.

    If highlighting part of the text (necessary for a note attached to multiple verses), selecting "Note", logos app defaults to a community note. I want the note attached to a reference, so I select "Private", choose the "reference" option, go back to "community"...and the app crashes (for me) when I start to type the note.

    Blessings : )

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Well, the workaround no longer works for me. 

    Looking forward to this getting fixed. 

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    I'm unable to reproduce this issue, can you please try again?

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    I am still receiving an error message when attaching a community note to a reference rather than text. 

    select multiple verses, select note in the menu, change from community to personal in order to change from highlighted text to reference, change back to community note...and the app shuts down. 

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Interestingly, today, my previous community notes are showing up in the app now

    probably related to having an updated app :) (4.5)

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Sigh. Not working anymore. 

    Which community notes are not working for you?  Please share as many details as you can.

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Hi Kevin,

    Here's the text of an email I sent this morning:


    I've posted a few times on the forum, but it's possible in the only one experiencing this problem. 

    Goal: to see and post community notes on logos iOS app. 

    Experience: I've had this functionality in the past, and have used it for years. It's a great way to see what others are reading and thinking and sharing my own insights. It stopped working for me over a month ago. 


    - I currently am unable to see community notes in the iOS app. Strangely, every once in a while they will show up--but rarely--and then I am able to post a community note--but it disappears a day or even hours later. 

    - my community notes do exist. As an example, I have a note attached to John 12:20. The green text cloud icon is not there. If I select text from the verse, select note, type something, select done, the green icon will sometimes show up; I can then select the icon and see community notes in the sidebar. But if I delete the just made note (I already have one on John 12:20, so creating a note there makes 2 notes); the icon disappears even though there is still a note there. 

    - if I want to attach a community note to a reference (rather than selected text), I tell the app to make a note, (the app defaults to private or community based on last chosen) the only way to select "reference" is through he personal button. Selecting personal gives the option for reference. Selecting reference then changing to community then typing text causes my phone to go to my home page (the home screen on phone not the apps home) but the app doesn't shut down. It looks like the app crashes but it hasn't. It is just refusing to let me make a note. So I can't send you crash logs because they aren't being created. (As far as I can tell; I looked for them)

    - I frequently receive the message: Unable to create note. Try again at a later time. (Or something like that; now that I'm frustrated enough to send you an email, I am unable to get the message to pop keeps blacking to the phones home screen)

    - I have uninstalled and installed many times. It does not fix the problem. 

    - The settings do show that community notes are on. 

    - creating notes in a parallel app (like faithlife study bible) works. 

    - I prefer the logos app. 

    - I think this started when I began getting messages (that would always appear when starting the app) saying, "Missing Books Some books that had been downloaded cannot be found on this device. Would you like to download those books again? Cancel | Download" ... Choosing download never solved the message. It would reappear next time I opened the app. So I uninstalled and reinstalled. That missing books message ceased; but the community notes issue appeared. ... With the study bible app, I get the missing books message but I can see and use community notes; I hesitate to uninstall reinstall the study bible app as I imagine I'll end up with the community notes issue on that app as well. 

    Thanks for your help,

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    - I currently am unable to see community notes in the iOS app. Strangely, every once in a while they will show up--but rarely--and then I am able to post a community note--but it disappears a day or even hours later. 

    Which app are you using (Logos, Faithlife, etc.)?  It would help to know specifically which community notes or which Groups are having trouble.

    - my community notes do exist. As an example, I have a note attached to John 12:20. The green text cloud icon is not there. If I select text from the verse, select note, type something, select done, the green icon will sometimes show up; I can then select the icon and see community notes in the sidebar. But if I delete the just made note (I already have one on John 12:20, so creating a note there makes 2 notes); the icon disappears even though there is still a note there. 

    Community notes are resource specific.  So, if you create a note in the ESV it won't appear in the NIV.  Whether or not Community Notes appear at all depends which Community Notes settings you are using with that particular resource.  If you tap on the Bible text and then on the "Aa" icon, this will open View Settings.  Scroll down in the settings panel and you'll see "Community Notes" - if you tap on that it will allow you to select which note groups appear or not.  

    - if I want to attach a community note to a reference (rather than selected text), I tell the app to make a note, (the app defaults to private or community based on last chosen) the only way to select "reference" is through he personal button.

    Community Notes are always attached to a reference and not to selected text - this is by design.

    Selecting personal gives the option for reference. Selecting reference then changing to community then typing text causes my phone to go to my home page (the home screen on phone not the apps home) but the app doesn't shut down. It looks like the app crashes but it hasn't. It is just refusing to let me make a note. So I can't send you crash logs because they aren't being created. (As far as I can tell; I looked for them)

    The next time this happens please open the app's Help menu and tap the "Report a Problem" link so we can view the app logs.

    - I frequently receive the message: Unable to create note. Try again at a later time. (Or something like that; now that I'm frustrated enough to send you an email, I am unable to get the message to pop keeps blacking to the phones home screen)

    Please use "Report a Problem" with this as well... it sounds like a network issue which might be on our end (not sure).  I've never seen Community Note creation cause the app to return to the background - what device / iOS version are you using?

    - I have uninstalled and installed many times. It does not fix the problem. 

    An uninstall/reinstall will typically have zero effect with Community Notes issues, Passage Guide, Bible Word Study, Exegetical Guide, etc.  All of content for these are served up from the web and should simply work if there is a good internet connection... if they don't work it's likely a server issue.

    - The settings do show that community notes are on. 

    If you tap on the Community Notes setting are the Groups that contain those notes toggled to On?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Kevin- for clarification (since I have never used community notes): in your last post you said that community notes are both tied to a resource and to a reference and NOT to a "selection". Is that right? I want to make sure I understand since those rules are different than notes by "reference" and "selection" 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Which app are you using (Logos, Faithlife, etc.)?  It would help to know specifically which community notes or which Groups are having trouble.

    I use the Logos ios app.  I will sometimes use the Study Bible app.

    Community notes are resource specific.  So, if you create a note in the ESV it won't appear in the NIV.  Whether or not Community Notes appear at all depends which Community Notes settings you are using with that particular resource.  If you tap on the Bible text and then on the "Aa" icon, this will open View Settings.  Scroll down in the settings panel and you'll see "Community Notes" - if you tap on that it will allow you to select which note groups appear or not.  

    I know you know more about the app than I do. However, I recollect community notes made in one translation would show up in another translation.  It behaved this way for most of January (and before that).  I'm not saying my memory is perfect, but I read through the Bible in a different translation each year, and have made a number of community notes, tied to references, that would pop up no matter what translation I used.

    I've checked to make sure that the Community Notes I want to see are "on" using the method you described above on many occasions.

    Community Notes are always attached to a reference and not to selected text - this is by design.

    Good to know.

    The next time this happens please open the app's Help menu and tap the "Report a Problem" link so we can view the app logs.

    Will do. You should get something today.

    Please use "Report a Problem" with this as well... it sounds like a network issue which might be on our end (not sure).  I've never seen Community Note creation cause the app to return to the background - what device / iOS version are you using?

    iPhone 6 plus, 64GB, 8.1.3

    If you tap on the Community Notes setting are the Groups that contain those notes toggled to On?

    Yes. If looking in the "Aa" icon to "View Settings." If you're referring to another place to view the Community Notes setting, please tell me where to look.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    I recollect community notes made in one translation would show up in another translation.

    This is expected if each translation you use has those community notes turned on.  I just wanted to make sure that was the case since community notes won't appear if they are turned off (and this is a per-resource setting).

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Community notes are resource specific.  So, if you create a note in the ESV it won't appear in the NIV.  Whether or not Community Notes appear at all depends which Community Notes settings you are using with that particular resource.  If you tap on the Bible text and then on the "Aa" icon, this will open View Settings.  Scroll down in the settings panel and you'll see "Community Notes" - if you tap on that it will allow you to select which note groups appear or not.  

    I know you know more about the app than I do. However, I recollect community notes made in one translation would show up in another translation.  It behaved this way for most of January (and before that).  I'm not saying my memory is perfect, but I read through the Bible in a different translation each year, and have made a number of community notes, tied to references, that would pop up no matter what translation I used.

    I just did a quick look. A community note that was posted to Galatians 2:20 over a year ago in ESV showed up as a community note in the HCSB.

    However, a community note I was able to create today (that's progress!) to John 8:44 in HCSB did not show up in the ESV.  

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Okay Josh,

    We've discovered that this issue appears to occur only on the iOS side and *might* simply be a display issue.  I'll write up a case for the dev team - thanks for being persistent!

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Thanks for your work on this. I don't know if you all made any changes, but the app seems to be working as expected now. 

  • Josh Neighbors
    Josh Neighbors Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Good morning!

    The logos app is not working as expected/intended this morning. 

    I have successfully created and attached a community note to numbers 9:19-23 in the HCSB. I did so using the logos app for iPhone using an iPhone 6+ in ios8. The note appears in the faithlife group. 

    However the note is not appearing within the text. There is not a green icon. The community note feature is turned on in settings for this resource. 

    I will send the "log" to support. Thanks.