Book Text Position

David Yoder
David Yoder Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I feel like when I change pages back and forth in a book, the position of the text changes if I go forward a few pages and then back again. Has anyone else noticed this? For instance if the current page ends at say verse 8, then I move forward a few pages, then go back to my initial page, it may now end at verse 3. Not sure if that makes sense. It happens when I move forward or backward. I'm using an Android 4.4.2 tablet.



  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,846 ✭✭✭

    I think I have noticed it in the past but I have not thought of it as a problem (rightly or wrongly). I assumed that pages were paginated dynamically based on paragraphs in the text and therefore would adjust on the fly thus accounting for this behaviour.

    Is it a problem for how and if so, in what way?

  • David Yoder
    David Yoder Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Francis, thanks for your response.

    I do see it as a problem. When I'm critically reading it breaks my train of thought for a few seconds so I can find my place again. It becomes frustrating when the passage(s) I'm reading or comparing is at the end of one page and, through the process of paging back and forth, is then on two pages. It just makes for more paging when it doesn't need to be that way.

    I don't quite understand what is dynamically changing in a book that causes text position to constantly change...?

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,846 ✭✭✭

    I do not know why the adjustment is made, although I can confirm that it happens. It reminds me of what Microsoft Word does with orphan lines and paragraphs. You can wait and see whether someone from FL responds (or another user who knows what this is about) or give a call to tech support and ask.

  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭

    I don't quite understand what is dynamically changing in a book that causes text position to constantly change...?

    How much text fits on a screen? The answer to that question depends on so many factors: the size of the screen (and its resolution), your setting for margins, your setting for text size (and font?), your setting for footnotes (I have them turned on), whether it has to display page numbers (some resources have them while others don't), orphaned or widowed paragraphing and headings, the metrics of the specific device (since there's a lot of diversity in Android tablets and phones), and a bunch of stuff that I'm sure I've missed.

    The answer to the combination of those questions will change depending on on whether it dynamically composites the page going forwards or going backwards, so I'm not surprised when it changes.

    Are you aware that you can change the page breaks when you drag two fingers up or down?

  • David Yoder
    David Yoder Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Allen, thanks for your response. I am aware that I can change the page breaks - but only by viewing a second resource at the same time. If you're talking about something else, then no.

    I am familiar with the many factors that can cause formatting to change depending on the resource and screen/device. But those factors are static once they're set. My question is this, what setting or content or format changes when I'm reading a book and move forward a page or two and then move back again? The book didn't get any new information added to or taken away from it in that time (I certainly hope not), and none of my settings have changed between page turns either - including font size, footnotes, margins, secondary resource, etc.

    If I'm on say page 55 and the last verse on that page is 4, it stands to reason that when I turn to page 60 and then back to page 55 the last verse on that page should still be verse 4 - but it isn't, and that's the problem.

    If there's a reason for this behavior, I can accept it. But without a reason it looks like a bug.

  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭

    Allen, thanks for your response. I am aware that I can change the page breaks - but only by viewing a second resource at the same time. If you're talking about something else, then no.

    Try dragging up the screen with two fingers (side by side) pressed on the glass. You'll see the text slide up the page (i.e. the text that was at the top of the screen slides off the top).
