Windows 10 and Logos Application in Windows Store

Bohuslav Wojnar
Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I installed Windows 10 Technical Preview on my second notebook and Logos Metro (Modern) application works fine. Since Windows Store should be united for all platforms, including Phone version, I would really like to know if Logos is working on the universal application for Windows Store that will work as a Reader on Windows 10 notebooks and tablets, as well as on the Windows Phones (my real point of interest).

It seems to me, that is the direction Microsoft is heading and it would be great if Logos would be the first application of the new general platform. Am I just day dreaming, or is there any real possibility in that?

Just asking...

P.S. Tired of all the discussion on market share of Windows Phone OS. Will that universal Windows 10 market be big enough? Stick out tongue




  • Scott Chambers
    Scott Chambers Member Posts: 41 ✭✭


  • nic
    nic Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Couldn't agree more. The universal apps now offer a much expanded market and allow for development of a single consistent app across phones tablets and PCs. Something for everyone.

  • Jason Drake
    Jason Drake Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    AMEN!! There are over 1 billion Windows PCs out there and there is no question that a huge portion of that community will install Windows 10 (BTW- I am also running Win 10 Technical Preview... and it is great!, even on a 6 year old laptop!). With universal apps running on everything from phones to tablets to PCs it would be amazing to have a nice lightweight/reading app of the same quality that iOS and Android have. I love the full blown Windows version of Logos/Verbum for serious study, but I'd love to have a lightweight universal app for the phone and tablet form factors (as well as for 2:1 PCs in tablet mode, etc.). Listen, I realize that there are tons of iOS and Android devices out there, but now that Windows is free on all screens smaller than 9 inches, they are beginning to sell a ton of low priced Windows 8.1 tablets (see for example the new HP Stream 7 and 8 inch tablets for $99 and $149... they sold out the day they went on sale on Amazon and HPs website and are on backorder). These low-priced tablets will all get Win 10 for free next year and MS just announced that all existing Windows Phones will get Windows 10 for free as well. So there is no question that the market will continue to grow rapidly and that a universal app would be very well received!! Let's make it happen Logos, please! God bless you all and keep up the great work!

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭

    AMEN!! There are over 1 billion Windows PCs out there and there is no question that a huge portion of that community will install Windows 10 (BTW- I am also running Win 10 Technical Preview... and it is great!, even on a 6 year old laptop!). With universal apps running on everything from phones to tablets to PCs it would be amazing to have a nice lightweight/reading app of the same quality that iOS and Android have. I love the full blown Windows version of Logos/Verbum for serious study, but I'd love to have a lightweight universal app for the phone and tablet form factors (as well as for 2:1 PCs in tablet mode, etc.). Listen, I realize that there are tons of iOS and Android devices out there, but now that Windows is free on all screens smaller than 9 inches, they are beginning to sell a ton of low priced Windows 8.1 tablets (see for example the new HP Stream 7 and 8 inch tablets for $99 and $149... they sold out the day they went on sale on Amazon and HPs website and are on backorder). These low-priced tablets will all get Win 10 for free next year and MS just announced that all existing Windows Phones will get Windows 10 for free as well. So there is no question that the market will continue to grow rapidly and that a universal app would be very well received!! Let's make it happen Logos, please! God bless you all and keep up the great work!

    Yes [Y]


  • Vincent Xavier Shaw
    Vincent Xavier Shaw Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Agreed, I'd like to hear something positive from Logos regards to Windows 10 and their app and application.

    But I must say, that after all this waiting, I'm starting to think Logos is not interested in supporting the users like ourselves.  If they drag their feet through Windows 10 as they have been doing before, I'll have to look at alternatives for my primary Windows App.

    I used to have use Gramcord on Pocket Bible from Laridian, on my old Pocket PC and Palm Pilot.  Those were fast apps, that even helped me in parsing very quickly!  Split screen was supported... those were the days.  =)

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭

    So, we have seen yesterday's Microsoft announcement of Windows 10 cross platform (devices) approach. Is that Logos has been waiting for? I see no reason Logos app would not be available for Windows 10 both for PC, ARM tablets and smartphones (WP 8 devices). 

    By the way, the vision for the future development of Microsoft looked very promising at the presentation. Am I the only one seeing it this way?


  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    So, we have seen yesterday's Microsoft announcement of Windows 10 cross platform (devices) approach. Is that Logos has been waiting for? I see no reason Logos app would not be available for Windows 10 both for PC, ARM tablets and smartphones (WP 8 devices). 

    By the way, the vision for the future development of Microsoft looked very promising at the presentation. Am I the only one seeing it this way?

    Do you have a link?

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • HJ. van der Wal
    HJ. van der Wal Member Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭

    Do you have a link?

    Here's Everything That Went Down At Microsoft's Windows 10 Event

    By the way, the vision for the future development of Microsoft looked very promising at the presentation. Am I the only one seeing it this way?

    Is this a rhetorical question? [:)]

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    Just imagine 'hologram' ancient manuscripts =) You can flip through pages of any document like it's physically there in front of you or feel like your standing in any Biblical site. Talk about a media upgrade. If it works for NASA and mars, why not Logos? Well, maybe I'll settle for a simple universal app first =).

  • Brian Collins
    Brian Collins Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    I also think that a lightweight reading app for Windows 10 would be wise for Logos. Even on a fast tablet like a surface pro 2, Logos is slow enough to load that for general theological reading, I at this point prefer Kindle. A basic reading app that is fast would make a lot of sense for all Windows 10 machines from desktop to tablet to phone.

  • Jason Drake
    Jason Drake Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I absolutely agree... I really think that Microsoft is absolutely moving in the right direction with universal apps, free upgrade to Windows 10 for everyone on Win 7/8 and Windows Phone 8/8.1, making the experience best in Windows but also making their services available everywhere, touch-first version of Office, putting the customer first and wanting people to love Windows, etc., etc.   The other thing that stood out to me from the Windows 10 event is that there are actually 1.5 billion people using Windows, not "just" 1 billion like I said earlier. What a huge market! I would really love to see Faithlife/Logos get ahead of the curve and design (from the ground up) a great universal app that would support highlighting, side-by-side references, etc.... just like the Android and iOS apps. C'mon Faithlife, send someone across town to the upcoming (April 2015) Windows Build conference for developers and let's make this happen!!

  • Philip Larson
    Philip Larson Member Posts: 248 ✭✭

    I'm not on Win10, but I'm on a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro, a laptop/tablet combination with Win8.1 and only SSD. I've been disappointed with the desktop Logos: I was hoping that I would find the benefits of a touch screen here, such as zoomable photos and maps, or even text.

    I'm sure I don't appreciate the effort it would take to accommodate new hardware.

    I've also noticed that many other applications aren't up to speed in accommodating this new hardware. Few have written substantial tablet apps.

    I'm looking forward to going to church with all of my Logos library easily accessible when I want it.

  • Genghis
    Genghis Member Posts: 232 ✭✭

    I'm sure I don't appreciate the effort it would take to accommodate new hardware.

    Since L4, it looks like Logos has put most of its resources and efforts into developing new datasets rather than adapting the software to accommodate the latest in touch technologies. 

    MS has been doing a lot of trial and error moves with its UI strategy as it too tries to find the right formula to accommodate touch technologies.  Hopefully Win10 will get it right, allowing Logos a stable target to develop for. 

  • JoshInRI
    JoshInRI Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭


    Amen brothers.  Logos wake up and get ready to push out something of value with increased touch sensitivity on Windows 10 (tablets especially) please.

    Be alive in Christ and help HIM to spread out via Windows 10 please.

    All glory be His alone!

    Joshua in RI

  • Jason Drake
    Jason Drake Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Good news folks, Faithlife has set up a Community Pricing page for developing a high quality Windows universal app. Let's please make this a reality so that we can have a high quality app for all Windows 8/8.1/10 devices (phones, tablets, laptops and desktops).  Please check out:   and then help support this development effort!

    Thanks and God bless!

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭

    Good news folks, Faithlife has set up a Community Pricing page for developing a high quality Windows universal app. Let's please make this a reality so that we can have a high quality app for all Windows 8/8.1/10 devices (phones, tablets, laptops and desktops).  Please check out:   and then help support this development effort!

    Thanks and God bless!

    That is exactly I was hoping for in opening this thread. I think it is great move and now we need enough Logos users to support it. 


  • David Wilson
    David Wilson Member Posts: 1,238 ✭✭✭

    Of course if this never gets over 10% in Community Pricing then we can expect the project to get an appropriate related priority....

    There was an earlier Windows Phone OS that Microsoft abandoned a few years ago and they have a history of abandoning apps other than their core MS Office and latest OS...

    If you really want Logos to work on the new Windows Phones then get behind this project and bid....