Significant Highlighting Lag

Michelle Knight
Michelle Knight Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Since the newest update, I'm experiencing a significant highlighting lag. When I highlight a sentence, I see the yellow highlighter follow my finger, but when I release, it disappears for 20-30 seconds. The page is in effect frozen until then; I can't turn the page, look up words, or activate any other part of the app. I've had this experience with books that are downloaded to the iPad as well as those that are not.

This is the most difficult when I'm reading quickly; frequently I finish a page only to have to wait on the highlighting to finish before I can turn. My reading has slowed significantly as a result and the app's functionality is severely diminished.

I am using an older, first generation iPad Mini but my OS is up to date (8.2) and I had no such problems until the latest update. Is there a setting I need to change? Could the new smart highlighting be causing the lag? Has anyone else experienced this? I recognize that the iPad could simply be getting old, but the drastic and recent change has me wondering if the problem lies elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for any advice or thoughts.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,082

    Sorry to hear you are having problems

    I am using an older, first generation iPad Min

    I'm not seeing this issue but do have a more recent model iPad

    Could the new smart highlighting be causing the lag?

    What happens if you disable "swipe to highlight" and "smart text selection" under "View Settings?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I'm experiencing a significant highlighting lag. When I highlight a sentence, I see the yellow highlighter follow my finger, but when I release, it disappears for 20-30 seconds. The page is in effect frozen until then; I can't turn the page, look up words, or activate any other part of the app. I've had this experience with books that are downloaded to the iPad as well as those that are not.

    This sounds like "large note document syndrome." Can you tell me about your note documents? How do you organize your highlight notes? How many highlights are in the resource in question? What happens if you use a brand new note document in a brand new, never highlighted, resource?

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  • Michelle Knight
    Michelle Knight Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    This sounds like "large note document syndrome."

    Aha! Of course you are right. The note document is massive and the book in which I'm highlighting is equally massive. In another resource and with a different highlighting document, all is well. I have changed the default highlighting document on all platforms, but I can't figure out how to change the highlighting document within *this* resource. No matter what I do, the app defaults to my old reading document. 

    Any help there?

  • Michelle Knight
    Michelle Knight Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Actually—I posted too quickly—I sorted myself out. Adding a highlight manually from OS X prioritized the appropriate note document in the app eventually. 

    In case this is helpful to anyone else, I'm fairly convinced that this issue is related to the resource as well. I'm reading in one of the Ante-Nicene volumes, which seem to lag in some other respects. Perhaps I was too quick to blame the update and the app. In either case, thanks to all for your advice.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    FWIW -

    1. performance is lessened in resources with many highlights.
    2. performance is lessened when using a note document with many highlights.

    Adding a highlight manually from OS X prioritized the appropriate note document in the app eventually. 

    The method for changing behavior for where note documents are stored is different on mobile vs. desktop. There is a master control on mobile in settings. On the desktop, the behavior is controlled from within each pallet. 

    Personally, I use the "sticky" method, which sends highlight notes to the "last used" note document. 

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