Options with first generation iPad

Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have very little experience with Apple products, but I may be getting someone's old first generation iPad in the near future. My only interest in it would be as a means of reading books I have purchased from Logos. My understanding is that the first gen iPad will not update past iOS 5.1.1. A quick Google search also shows that the current Logos app for iPad requires iOS 6.0. If I even do acquire said iPad: (1) will I even be able to install any version of the Logos app, (2) what extra hoops are involved in installing an older version (if it is even possible to do so), and (3) what kind of user experience can I expect? Thanks!



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Matthew said:

    I may be getting someone's old first generation iPad in the near future

    If it's free, why not. If you have to pay for it, pass.

    Matthew said:

    If I even do acquire said iPad: (1) will I even be able to install any version of the Logos app

    Best answer: Maybe. At some point Apple starting allowing "legacy" apps to be made available to old devices... If that is true, it might be simple to download the last usable version of the Bible! app... but my guess is that it won't be. In which case, your only option is to find someone who has the old app, and manually install it into your iTunes.

    Matthew said:

    what kind of user experience can I expect?

    I don't think very good. 

    FWIW - I have two devices for reading: A third gen iPad and an eInk Kindle. I love and use both regularly. I use the iPad to use reading plans, to highlight and take simple notes. I use the Kindle for pure reading. If I were you, I would either save up for a new iPad (or perhaps purchase a gently used one... especially right after new ones are released) OR buy an eInk kindle for simple reading. Faithlife has made "send to kindle" work pretty seamless for most resources. 

    A third option, which I hope I never have to do, would be to purchase an Android device. If I were forced to do that, I would probably purchase a Kindle Fire (I have many amazon resources and have prime).

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    If it's free, why not. If you have to pay for it, pass.

    It would be free, but if the Logos app is going to be a no-go, then I will probably pass on the iPad so that someone else could benefit from it.

    alabama24 said:

    If I were you, I would either save up for a new iPad (or perhaps purchase a gently used one... especially right after new ones are released) OR buy an eInk kindle for simple reading. Faithlife has made "send to kindle" work pretty seamless for most resources. 

    Buying anything new is unfortunately not in the budget right now, but Kindle would be a last choice because I would rather be able to highlight things while I read on the go and then still have those highlights available on my desktop.

    alabama24 said:

    A third option, which I hope I never have to do, would be to purchase an Android device.

    May I ask why?

  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭

    Let me just throw this out to the community - does anyone even have the version of the app I would need? If so, would you be willing to share the file with me to do a manual install?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Matthew said:

    alabama24 said:

    A third option, which I hope I never have to do, would be to purchase an Android device.

    May I ask why?

    Sure. I don't want a tablet just to have a tablet. I want all of my stuff just to "work" and to "work together." It is important to me to have my music, photos, email, calendar, contacts, documents, etc. all sync. I am a "Mac," not a "PC." Plus, the best tablet on the market is the iPad (others will jump in to contradict me in 5,4,3... [:P]) If my ONLY reason for getting a tablet were to make highlights in Logos resources on a readable device, I would probably get a Kindle Fire because 1) they are some of the cheaper ones out there and 2) because I have quite a bit invested in the Amazon platform (free kindle books, audible audiobooks, music, prime, etc.). 

    If I were really serious about getting a non-iOS device, I would probably put in some serious research to make sure that a Kindle Fire is really what I would want to get. I haven't done so because I am not serious about it... At least not at this point. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Matthew said:

    Let me just throw this out to the community - does anyone even have the version of the app I would need? If so, would you be willing to share the file with me to do a manual install?


    Apple doesn't work that way - you can't manually install apps from a file on iPads, iPhones, etc.

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    Matthew said:

    Let me just throw this out to the community - does anyone even have the version of the app I would need? If so, would you be willing to share the file with me to do a manual install?


    Apple doesn't work that way - you can't manually install apps from a file on iPads, iPhones, etc.

    That is true... however if you jail break it you can do all sorts of things I am told... Never done it to any iOS device I owned, but I do remember Wozniac claiming it is (was) one the first thing he did to a new iPhone... but he is a genius geek... and I am just a general user... but it should allow you to side load an older version of Logos if you locate one. I AM NOT RECOMMENDING THIS, it is considered illegal by Apple but I wanted you to know possible options (and I have never heard of anyone in legal trouble from it, just voids warranty  ). Ideally you would buy the free Logos APP in iTunes and it would auto download the last compatible version available (that does not happen to the best of my knowledge).  I have seen other software providers release legacy versions  (usually with classic or some such thing after the name) These releases almost always tell you there is no ongoing support for them but are just there for users who liked the previous version.


  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭

    As you can tell, I wasn't joking when I said I have very little experience with Apple products. Thank you all for the input about what would and would not be possible. I have always heard about Apple's "walled garden," and in this case it sounds like the wall may be keeping me out of the garden, so to speak. [:(] 

  • Matt Wright
    Matt Wright Member Posts: 124 ✭✭

    I have a first gen iPad: it works with Logos, Vyrso and Faithlife as reader - no problem. Not fast and I wouldn't try exegetical searches - but I'm happy!

    The day will come when it dies - after the buriel, I will get another one.

    I also have a Kindle Fire which s a great tool - with Logos app installed, again for reading only.

    Anything else is use my MacBook Pro or iMac.


    PS I have deleted and reloaded the Logos app, successfuly very recently (since Christmas).

  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭

    I have deleted and reloaded the Logos app, successfuly very recently (since Christmas).

    Glad to hear it. That means there might yet be hope! I will post back in a couple weeks if I do in fact wind up with this iPad and let you know how things turned out. I mostly am just interested in reading and making simple highlights. If I can do that, I will be a VERY happy camper!

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    I read on http://www.igeeksblog.com/how-to-re-install-older-version-of-apps-on-iphone-ipad/

    Update: It seems that Apple now lets you install older versions of apps when the new version is not compatible with your iOS device. This kicks in automatically (wherever the older version of the app is still available in the App Store).

    So I would guess you should be ok.


  • Matt Wright
    Matt Wright Member Posts: 124 ✭✭
  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭

    As promised, I am reporting back with my results. I did in fact acquire a used first generation iPad. Using the previous owner's AppleID, I was able to install the Bible! app. The iTunes store gave me a message to the effect that it could not install the latest version of the app, but it could install the latest compatible version of the app, which it did. That was my trial run, and it was a success. I was able to log into my Faithlife account, read my books, and do some highlighting, which is all I really hoped to achieve. Then I ran into a problem. I did a factory reset on the iPad to wipe out the previous owner's information, settings, etc. I then went through the initial setup process so that the iPad would be usable again and connected it to the Internet. I opened the iTunes store and attempted to install the Bible! app. This time I am not getting the option to install an older version of the app. All I am getting is a message that says, "This application requires iOS 7.0 or later. You must update to iOS 7.0 in order to download and use this application."

    Does anyone have insight into why I had the option to use an older version of the app before doing the factory reset but that option is now gone. I really would like to install this app, as it is the only reason I accepted the iPad. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Matthew said:

    Does anyone have insight into why I had the option to use an older version of the app before doing the factory reset but that option is now gone.

    I have an idea, but I don't know if it is right or not. You did a factory reset... Can you verify that you are completely up to date with the highest version of iOS that your device will allow?

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭

    I called it a factory reset, but it was really just the option to reset everything under general settings. Software update shows iOS 5.1.1, which is the same version as before I reset the device. It says the software is up to date

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    I am not sure if this will work or not... If you go to iTunes  and "purchase" the Logos Bible APP... and then go  to your iPad to purchased items in the App program you should be able to download the latest compatible Version then.


  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941 ✭✭

    If you go to iTunes  and "purchase" the Logos Bible APP... and then go  to your iPad to purchased items in the App program you should be able to download the latest compatible Version then.

    You, sir, are a genius. Problem solved and mission accomplished! [Y][:D][Y]

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭