High Definition Group

Thought I'd let other people know that have enjoyed the High Definition and Lexham Discourse resources as much as I have that there is a new group on Faithlife that I think could be very promising and a great place to interact about discourse grammar and these resources.
Dr. Runge has been interacting a lot with users and even answered a question that I posted with a screen cast. (I personally think this is awesome!)
Check it out!
Here is the question and the screen cast video in response!
There has been some more videos posted.
I'm posting this in hopes that we could get a cool little community of people interacting about discourse grammar and these resources. Also, Dr. Runge has been making the videos and responding to people's questions. Pretty awesome I think.
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Here are the links to the two videos.
Check it out and join in!
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Just going to keep letting people know. Got another video posted by Dr. Runge in response to a question asked by a member of the group (https://faithlife.com/comments/328412)
Here is the post with the video link on it.
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Another video by Dr. Runge on the overview of HDNT/LDGNT resources.
We got a little group that is starting to read through and discuss the HDNT introduction if anyone would want to join in that.