UPDATED Reformation Bible?

I saw this offer posted on the blog
Get a major update to a modern classic
The Reformation Study Bible (2015) is an extensively revised, new edition of the popular resource edited by R.C. Sproul. Expanded with over 40% more content, this new edition will serve the church for years to come.
But I already have The Reformation Study Bible (originally titled Geneva Study Bible). Do I need to buy the pre-pub Bible again to get the Update?
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
Hi Bev,
Yes - it's a new resource.
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HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
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Please click the link in your post and review the comments at the bottom.
This isn't a mobile issue so maybe your questions can be answered better there.
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I am doing that as you post. I thought maybe it was because the Reform Bible shows on my iPad, but I didn't see it when I searched Logos Product, but I could have missed it.
thanks Kevin
i see I didn't scroll down far enough on the Update Reformation page about the Update.
Thanks again Kevin
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3