Bug > Creating Link Sets

Now that I have updated the new 4.0 original language resources I have noticed that creating a link set, then closing the menu...closes that resource altogether.
- With the resource of your choice already open, click on the drop-down arrow for that resource.
- Select a Linkset (A-F, or NONE).
- Click "Close" to complete the task.
My Specs:
- Win XP Media Center Edition Version 2002; Service Pack 3
- Pentium 4; 2.8 GHz; 1 GB of RAM
"Close" applies to the resource, not the menu (so it's working as designed [:)]). To dismiss the menu, click outside of it, e.g., on the book icon (that opened the panel menu) or anywhere in the resource itself.
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Duh!Thanks Bradley.
It was working for me originally so I must have forgotten how it was working. But, that brings up a point that such will be confusing - no doubt - to others when they make the change... the menu doesn't close... their thought process leads them to "close" the menu... then turn them into Pavlov's next victim.
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
I agree, there is a lot of the "menu stays open" in v4 that's confusing.
I'm a "close" type of guy...make it simple!
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Thanks for the feedback. It's very helpful to hear when you find things that are confusing, since you're looking at the software for the first time. (We've been using it for so long that we've gotten used to some of the idiosyncrasies.)
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Related to Link sets. The links will not work in certain situations, example, from a Bible to a commentary which has many sets as Thru the Bible... will not change with the Bible from book to book (Go from Genesis to Titus the multi-volume sets will stay in Genesis). However, the one volume sets like The Bible Knowledge Commentary will stay in sync with the Bible when changing from book to book.