[resolved] BUG: Logos 6 Search Crashes on Surface 3 When Changing the Scope/Domain of Searches Acros

Adam Olean
Adam Olean Member Posts: 449 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I would like to report reoccurring crashes that I have been experiencing while performing searches on my new Surface 3. I am currently running Logos 6.2 SR-1 and Windows 8.1 with all Windows updates installed.

I have log files illustrating three different but related crashes. In all three crashes, I first loaded Logos 6 with a blank layout and with logging enabled. I then opened the Lexham Hebrew Bible (LHB) and a search panel—not necessarily in that order—and sent all searches to that panel. I then performed one or more searches before performing a final search that crashed Logos 6. The final search seems to have always included a broadening or narrowing of the search scope (e.g., in the case of the first two crash logs, from searching in the LHB to searching "Everything"; and in the case of the last crash log, from searching in "Everything" to searching the LHB).

Thus, in the first two crashes, I first performed various searches from the right-click menu in the LHB (e.g., lemmas, people, things, senses, and morphology), then I performed a search in "Everything," which lead to a crash. The first crash occurred around 1:56 p.m. (CST) and involved right-click search for <Bezalel (craftsman)> in "Everything." The second crash occurred around 2:04 p.m. and involved a search from my previous search history for (host, court, council, angel) WITHIN {Milestone <Gen 1.26-27>} in "Everything."

For my third search, I began with the same search that caused the second crash: (host, court, council, angel) WITHIN {Milestone <Gen 1.26-27>} in "Everything." This time it worked. But when I followed it up with a lemma search from the right-click menu in the LHB, Logos 6 crashed for a third time, this time at 2:14 p.m. I believe the final search was <Lemma = lbs/he/זָהָב>.

The log files are attached below. I hope this information helps!

1122.Logos 6 Crash 1 - Biblical Person Search for Bezalel in Everything.log

6318.Logos 6 Crash 2 - Milestone Search Gen 1.26-27 in Everything.log

1220.Logos 6 Crash 3 - Search for Lemma in LHB.log


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,074

    Thanks for the excellent descriptions, Adam

    Each log ended suddenly without an indication of a crash. Please post logs from the Windows Event Viewer at the times you mention.

    Also upload the Logos Error log.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Adam Olean
    Adam Olean Member Posts: 449 ✭✭

    Thanks for the excellent descriptions, Adam

    Each log ended suddenly without an indication of a crash. Please post logs from the Windows Event Viewer at the times you mention.

    Also upload the Logos Error log.

    Dave, thank you for your help. The Wiki instructions were very clear and helpful as well.

    My Windows Event Viewer logs include .NET Runtime Errors, Application Errors, and Windows Error Reporting for each of the three crashes. I am also including the Logos Error log as you requested. It appears that the any errors reported in there are from either today (05/12/2015) or from the day before I logged and reported the three crashes above (05/10/2015).

    5751.Event Viewer Logs - Logos 6 Search Crashes on Surface 3 When Changing the Scope of Search.txt


  • Thomas Ball
    Thomas Ball Member, Logos Employee Posts: 3,261

    My Windows Event Viewer logs include .NET Runtime Errors, Application Errors, and Windows Error Reporting for each of the three crashes.

    This article discusses problems with the .Net Framework.



  • Adam Olean
    Adam Olean Member Posts: 449 ✭✭

    My Windows Event Viewer logs include .NET Runtime Errors, Application Errors, and Windows Error Reporting for each of the three crashes.

    This article discusses problems with the .Net Framework.


    Thanks, Tommy. No success yet.

    I don't know if it helps matters at all, or if it will help someone in the future, but I will add that I do not encounter crashes while searching, when

    A) I maintain the same search scope between searches OR

    B) I send new searches to new search panels, rather than sending all searches to the same search panel.

    As I have the time, I'll have to go over those instructions that you linked to again to make sure there is nothing I missed. Otherwise, I can try contacting Microsoft as well.

  • Adam Olean
    Adam Olean Member Posts: 449 ✭✭

    Well, it looks like the problems with searching on the Surface 3 are now resolved. New Intel drivers were just released through Windows Update. After downloading them last night, searches in Logos 6 are thus far no longer crashing the program.

    New updates included the following:

    Intel Corporation - Other hardware - Intel Serial IO GPIO Controller

    Intel Corporation - Other hardware - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C ES Controller

    Update for Windows 8.1 for x64-based Systems (KB3035583)

    Anyone who has a Surface 3 will probably want to update if they haven't already.

    Microsoft and Intel also released preview/prerelease drivers for the Surface 3 on Windows 10 preview, making it now possible to install and run the preview on the Surface 3 hopefully without any major problems. I'll probably stick with Windows 8.1 for at least a while longer on my Surface device.

    Thank you Dave and Tommy for your help on the Logos forums in general and also for in this thread in particular. [Y]

  • Adam Olean
    Adam Olean Member Posts: 449 ✭✭

    It turns out that Logos 6 still crashes when changing the scope of my searches in Logos 6 (6.3 SR-1) and sending them to the same search panel. I previously thought that these issues may have been resolved, but I apparently didn't do enough testing previously. I also haven't had time to finish up troubleshooting .NET Framework and to report back until now.

    I have now finished running through the entire .NET Framework troubleshooting guide and have even contacted Microsoft's Aaron Stebner (in the section comments here), who wrote the troubleshooting guide on his blog. He seems to think the problem is likely with Logos rather than .NET. Here is what he had to say (3 Jun 2015 at 1:06 PM) in reply to my post yesterday (2 Jun 2015 at 6:10 PM):

    Hi Adam Olean - If you're only seeing this type of issue with this one application, then it is more than likely a problem with the application itself as opposed to a problem with the .NET Framework. I took a look at your .NET Framework setup logs, and I didn't see any problems there that would indicate that the .NET Framework isn't correctly installed on your PC.

    Hopefully the call stack that you found in your application event log from when the application crashed will help the application manufacturer narrow down this issue further.

    This is the post that I had written to Aaron on the preceding day, which he replied to:

    Hi Aaron,

    Thank you for all of your helpful blog posts dealing with .NET Framework install troubleshooting issues.

    Unfortunately, I went through all of the steps, but I can't seem to resolve reoccurring crashes and Event Viewer errors with Windows 8.1 and .NET Framework 4.5.2., including Application Error 1000 Task (100) and .Net Runtime 1025. These seem to occur, if and only if, I run searches in Logos Bible Software AND A) I change the scope/parameters of my searches, AND B) I send those searches to the same search panel (i.e., rather than sending them to [or performing them in] a new search panel). (FYI, Logos Bible Software is a research library that covers biblical studies and other humanities along with its related brands NOET and Verbum.) I described these issues in some detail and also provided logs on the Logos Bible Software Forums. I had also prematurely indicated that my issues may have been resolved, since, as it turns out, they have continued after performing further testing. Here's the Logos thread where I provided additional information: community.logos.com/.../104870.aspx

    Here's a link to the files from the "Visual Studio and .NET Framework setup log collection tool": onedrive.live.com/redir

    Finally, below are links to Windows Event logs in either .evtx or .txt format. The events include Windows Error Reporting, Application Error 1000 Task (100), and .Net Runtime 1025.

    .evtx format: onedrive.live.com/redir

    .txt format: onedrive.live.com/redir

    Thanks for any feedback you may give, Aaron!

    Any thoughts?

  • Adam Olean
    Adam Olean Member Posts: 449 ✭✭

    I noticed that the change to this thread's title to "[unresolved]" apparently moved it out of new/recent posts. I would like to make sure that Faithlife doesn't miss the update to this bug report (in the preceeding post) and its change in status from "resolved" to "unresolved."

    As for troubleshooting, are there further steps that I can take to resolve my searching problem? I don't want to jump to uninstalling and reinstalling Logos 6 if there are other steps that I should take first, and if that is unlikely to resolve my problem. Anyway, its definitely not optimal, but, at least for now, I can open a new search panel when I want to change the scope of my search (e.g., from "this resource," to "all resources," to "everything," etc.) without crashing the program.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Thanks for posting the Event Viewer logs. The pertinent information is:

    Description: The application requested process termination through System.Environment.FailFast(string message).
    Message: Unrecoverable system error.
    at System.Environment.FailFast(System.String)
    at System.Windows.Documents.TextStore.GrantLock()
    at System.Windows.Documents.TextStore.GrantLockWorker(LockFlags)
    at System.Windows.Documents.TextStore.RequestLock(LockFlags, Int32 ByRef)

    This crash is an internal error in WPF, the UI Framework from Microsoft that is used by Logos 6. We've seen it reported a handful of times from the field, but don't know the cause and--more importantly--have no way to work around it. (WPF crashes our application in such a way that we can't even attempt to recover from the problem.) It's possible it's related to the specific video drivers you have installed, but we're not really sure. (I have heard of it happening more frequently under Remote Desktop, but I assume you're not using that to access your Surface.)

    I think for now you'll have to use your workaround of not reusing Search panels; sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Adam Olean
    Adam Olean Member Posts: 449 ✭✭

    Thanks for posting the Event Viewer logs. The pertinent information is:

    Description: The application requested process termination through System.Environment.FailFast(string message).
    Message: Unrecoverable system error.
    at System.Environment.FailFast(System.String)
    at System.Windows.Documents.TextStore.GrantLock()
    at System.Windows.Documents.TextStore.GrantLockWorker(LockFlags)
    at System.Windows.Documents.TextStore.RequestLock(LockFlags, Int32 ByRef)

    This crash is an internal error in WPF, the UI Framework from Microsoft that is used by Logos 6. We've seen it reported a handful of times from the field, but don't know the cause and--more importantly--have no way to work around it. (WPF crashes our application in such a way that we can't even attempt to recover from the problem.) It's possible it's related to the specific video drivers you have installed, but we're not really sure. (I have heard of it happening more frequently under Remote Desktop, but I assume you're not using that to access your Surface.)

    I think for now you'll have to use your workaround of not reusing Search panels; sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thanks, Bradley. I put that description into Google and found more about the problem and at least a partial solution. Some people (see this discussion for example) recommended stopping the process "TabletInputService" with the description "Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service." After doing that, I can search to my heart's content. Interestingly, tapping the virtual keyboard icon on my taskbar starts the service again, but, even with it back up and running, at least thus far, I'm not getting the same crash after performing several searches in row with different parameters.

    I would be interested if Windows 10 still has the same problem, tied to the same virtual "Touch Keyboard."

    Edit: By the way, you're correct: I'm not using Remote Desktop to access my Surface.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Great find--thanks for letting us know! (Not sure why we never came across that; maybe we closed our investigation into it before that was posted. We've known that service can cause performance problems, but didn't know about the crashes: https://wiki.logos.com/Logos_Running_Slowly#Some_tweaks_for_Windows).

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,074

    I noticed that the change to this thread's title to "[unresolved]" apparently moved it out of new/recent posts. I would like to make sure that Faithlife doesn't miss the update to this bug report (in the preceeding post) and its change in status from "resolved" to "unresolved."

    To avoid that it is advisable to start a new thread that refers to this one, but I had alerted FL in your case!

    Thanks for persevering.


    Windows 11 & Android 13