Mother risks her life to save babies (need a sermon illustration for Mother's Day Sabbath?)

This is the real link:
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Apologies, everybody. There was a snafu that has kept this story from being accessible. I'm working on it.
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Whoa.... There's two Martin Webers!
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BTW, can't you just link here?:
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There is a sporadic problem connecting to the blogs using an "https" address; our tech support is working on it. Meanwhile, as that systemic quirk is fixed, thanks for posting that link.
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Yes, two accounts: my daytime-use company account & my nighttime-use personal account going back more than a decade, with my old police chaplain pix.
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Martin H Weber said:
Yes, two accounts: my daytime-use company account & my nighttime-use personal account going back more than a decade, with my old police chaplain pix.
[Y] Nice, lookin slick! [;)]
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Thanks for your affirmation, Tim. There will be a chaplain's conference in the pre-Session in which I'm giving a talk about how to support law enforcement officers in the context of enhanced community hostility. Actually we are all chaplains. This morning I was at a Catholic hospital where my son works and stopped into the chapel. There was an urgent note in the prayer basket requesting a visit to her spouse. The hospital let me go then and there to the man's room and to pray and leave a NT/Psalms (Gideon's version--not Faithlife!). The Catholic chaplain will see them later this morning. We are all part of the same ministry team, despite our distance theologically, philosophically, geographically, etc.
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Martin Weber said:
Thanks for your affirmation, Tim. There will be a chaplain's conference in the pre-Session in which I'm giving a talk about how to support law enforcement officers in the context of enhanced community hostility. Actually we are all chaplains. This morning I was at a Catholic hospital where my son works and stopped into the chapel. There was an urgent note in the prayer basket requesting a visit to her spouse. The hospital let me go then and there to the man's room and to pray and leave a NT/Psalms (Gideon's version--not Faithlife!). The Catholic chaplain will see them later this morning. We are all part of the same ministry team, despite our distance theologically, philosophically, geographically, etc.
[Y] Yes, indeed. Thanks for sharing the inspiring story.