Question about uploaded documents

Robert Dean, Jr
Robert Dean, Jr Member Posts: 149 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

We have a collaborative effort going with several people in my group. One thing we are doing is creating expanded passage lists. For example. One person might go into Ryrie's Basic Theology and create a verse list from his chapters on the attributes of God. That list is then added to the documents in the FL group. Another person, then downloads that list, and adds another set of verses from Chafer's Systematic Theology on the Attributes of God. Does that automatically update to the FL group page or does the person who expanded the list need to upload that updated list to the group?



  • Dustin Masters (Work)
    Dustin Masters (Work) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 217

    It depends. Passage lists are stored as Logos documents. There are two ways to share Logos documents to a group. 

    If a document is "Collaborated", everyone can edit the document and automatically gets updates to that document. If the document is "Published", everyone can get a copy of the document, but users must click "Update" to get the latest copy of that document - it doesn't happen automatically.

    From the Actions menu on the documents tab, if you see "Disconnect", the document is "Collaborated" and you will get updates automatically. If you don't see "Disconnect", the document is published and the person who uploaded it will need to publish updates every time they make a change.

    Hope that helps!

    Software Dev at Logos.  How to post your logs: (Windows) (Mac)

  • Brian Wilson
    Brian Wilson Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    Thanks Dustin for the helpful tips. Does this only work for Logos native document types?

    Can personal documents be shared or published this way? I have created a personal document in logos that I would like to share with others in my group or at a minimal, be able to view/edit on multiple devices. As it is, the document is only visible on the computer that I created it on and is not syncing. 

    So the question is:

    How do I sync, share or publish personal documents?

    The spirit of a pilgrim greatly facilitates praying. An earth-bound, earth-satisfied spirit cannot pray.--E. M. Bounds

  • Dustin Masters (Work)
    Dustin Masters (Work) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 217

    Yes, personal Logos documents can be shared by visiting Right now only native logos documents can be automatically synced. Regular document types can be shared via the "upload" feature on the documents tab on Faithlife. 

    Software Dev at Logos.  How to post your logs: (Windows) (Mac)