Can Logos put more resource on the iOS platform?

Henry Au
Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have been using Logos since version 4. I have paid quite a lot for it and upgraded everytime when a new version comes out(I know a lot of you bought more than me). I appreciate what I got in the desktop version in each iteration but seems to me that no more ground-breaking features especially compare to other desktop bible softwares (I don't own them but I read about them from blogs).  I really like to use the Logos for iPad as the iPad becomes my most-used computer (esp iPad Air 2). I can foresee that within 1-2 iterations of iPad and iOS it would replace most of the functions of the laptop or desktop.

But it seems to me that Logos hasn't paid enough attention to this enormous user-based platform. The update of the Logos for iOS app were merely small incremental improvement. no new functions has been added for a long time. With the coming of new iOS9, I can see the iPad can achieve more in productivity (like split screen, keyboard shortcut support etc.) But I am not very postive about the development of Logos for iOS(or at least for iPad). I know a lot of users like mine wants have more features to be developed in iOS version. And everytime I posted a wanted feature I was just reminded to vote for it. But I don't see my votes or any votes make the development accelerate. I can only conclude that Logos doesn't put enough resources on it. I think every new features implemented on the iOS can be a ground-breaking one in the mobile space. I don't think it is a good idea to change to other platform like windows 10 in order to have a full-functioned Logos(Apple becomes the king of the tablet not because of the apps only). I don't need a full version of Logos on iPad but constantly updating & empowering Logos App which helps us to have good bible study on the road. I think it gives a edge for Logos to compete with other bible softwares. 

Just a thought to share. And I hope a new version of logos for iPad will take advantage of the new features of iOS 9 soon (esp split screen, keyboard shortcuts).

I wrote this in my iPad Air 2 with a bluetooth keyboard case.

Someone who loves Logos & iPad



  • Henry Au
    Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    if offline bible word study cannot be added soon, can I have the default dictionary for the Greek words and Hebrew words? 

  • Henry Au
    Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    why I can't set fonts for each book like desktop version? or at least let me to set the font size for each split screen. I don't think it is that hard to implement....

    Or a more responsive feeback system is what we need? 

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,164 ✭✭✭✭

    Henry, all great suggestions.   The official answer is to vote for your features, for a very good reason.  The shear energy of user voting, powers a generator in Bellingham Washington, that in turns powers a high-octane soda machine dispensing free power-soda to the app developers.

    Of courcse, I'm joking about the generator ... no one has actually seen where the electric cord goes.

    Given, that the staff emphasizes how the code is free, I'm just guessing therein lies its developmental voltage limitations.  I also suspect the new web-Logos is being pursued to allow selling within the app ... to the detriment of the apps. But smart.

    Anyway, your ideas are good ones and your Bible study a great motivator.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Henry Au said:

    why I can't set fonts for each book like desktop version? or at least let me to set the font size for each split screen. I don't think it is that hard to implement....

    Please remember that the mobile apps are not intended to replace the Desktop version and there are many features supported on Desktop that are not supported in the mobile apps. 

    That said, there are existing UserVoice suggestions for this, I've attached a screenshot to show the vote counts (around 55):

    Everyone has strong feelings about what features they think Faithlife really needs to add to their product offerings and this is why UserVoice exists.  For example, Prayer Lists got a large number of votes (nearly 800) and we implemented that feature request in the Faithlife Groups app:

  • Henry Au
    Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I think a lot of people are willing to pay for some advanced features in the logos app

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    Some us pay a lot already so might not be as quick to want to pay even more for the app to be updated. [:)]

    I too noted that IOS 9 and split-screen seems useful. I think its only on the most recent iPads so mine is excluded anyway, but of course it could be another tickbox on the buy side when it comes time to consider the next upgrade/replacement in time.

    For now my iPhone serves most of my mobile needs but I've got to consider if a new iPad, or Microsoft Surface or maybe Apple Air-thingie or something might have its place. All in time as right now what I have serves most of my needs well enough.

    But I too would like to see more added to the IOS apps. I'd love a screen of "buttons" or macros that could speed flicking between resources. Its not great wanting to flick between maybe ESV, a commentary and then needing to check the odd word in an English dictionary or a Hebrew or Greek lexicon. One has to do something on the train trips in the morning right?

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    JimTowler said:

    I'd love a screen of "buttons" or macros that could speed flicking between resources. Its not great wanting to flick between maybe ESV, a commentary and then needing to check the odd word in an English dictionary or a Hebrew or Greek lexicon.

    There already exists a way to quickly switch between resources, guides, etc.  If you open multiple resources you can use a two-finger left or right swipe to switch between them.  Please see