Getting older versions of resources

Paul Jansen
Paul Jansen Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there a way to get an older version of a resource?

I know for the desktop version, there is an ftp site. Anything similar for Android resources? And if so, is there a way to refresh the library to recognize them?

Please don't chalk this up to a "we don't support E-Ink devices." I get that. But I've been running the Android App on a rooted Nook Simple Touch for several years now, and it's been great. I take it on hospital calls with me so I can use different Bible versions depending on the members. The other day, resources disappeared that I had available offline. When I go to open certain ones now, the notable ones being NIV & KJV, it says that it can't open the resource. I get "An unknown error occurred opening resource." Resources below like the NIV I actually have had working up till just a few weeks ago, so I know it can work. I just can't recall how I got it working in the first place. I may have pulled the resource at a time when it was compatible with my build and then just never updated.

I'm running App version 1.1.3 Build 43. I've tried copying the the LLS_1.0.10 folder folder out of sdcard/Android/data/com.logos.androidlogos/install/resources from other devices (my phone and an Acer tablet, my wife's tablet) and putting it in my Nook's resources folder, but that doesn't do it. I'm wondering if I find an old enough version of the file if it would work.

FYI, here's a sampling of what's working and what's not.

  • I have working ASV, AV, KJV Apocrypha, HCSB, NA27 Interlinear, BHS with Westminster Morphology, both 3.5 and 4.2, BDB, DBLSD (all), Luther's Works (fantastic on E-Ink screens!), Vulgate.
  • I can't open Book of Concord (Tappert), KJV, NIV84, ESV, NA27, BDAG and HALOT (hey, they're fun to have).

EDITED: Fixed the app version to read 1.1.3 instead of 1.1.13.



  • Lew Worthington
    Lew Worthington Member Posts: 1,636 ✭✭✭

    Hey Paul,

    I'm not an expert and but I'd like clarification. When you say, " When I go to open certain ones now...," are you speaking of when you are offline or online?

  • Paul Jansen
    Paul Jansen Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    That's a great question. I'll try to clarify.

    There are two different error messages. When the resource is not downloaded, I get "An unknown error occurred opening resource." When I download the resource, it says, "Could not open offline resource."


    I've been doing a little more digging, and actually found a post where I mentioned what I had done earlier. Link. In December of 2012, I said. "I had an older version downloaded to my Motorola phone on the Logos app there. I checked the resource info on the NIV, found the folder name, and copied the info from that folder onto my computer. Then on the NST, I downloaded the most current NIV resource (the one that won't open). That created a folder. I hooked the NST up to the computer, navigated to the resource folder, made a copy of it, and renamed the original, adding .old to the end. Then in the newly made folder, I deleted the contents and transferred the files from my computer that I had pulled out of my phone. I reran the Logos app, and viola. I have a working NIV again."

    So I dug through my computer and found any backups of the NIV resource that I had. I've tried putting each of these to the LLS_1.0.10 folder. The next level down will always have a folder that looks like the date of creation for that version of the NIV resource. I've found ones marked:

    • 2011-03-23T18_46_25Z-(bunch of numbers), 
    • 2012-10-15T16_26_46Z-(bunch of numbers),
    • 2013-09-28T20_02_57Z-(bunch of numbers),
    • and 2014-10-30T03_55_23Z-(bunch of numbers, 3 different sets, which I think have to do with date of downloading).

    I could not get any of these to work. The Motorola phone I mentioned is here in my hot little hand, but is completely dead. I pulled the SD card from it, but the folder was not on it. It's probably on the now-inaccessible internal drive.

    As I look at the Resource Info, it's saying 2015-07-20T23 etc., which I'm guessing is the latest iteration of the resource.

    But your question has me wondering how this might work with different combinations of wi-fi on or off after getting the resource offline. I'll post back in a while after some experimentation.

  • Paul Jansen
    Paul Jansen Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Bingo. I figured it out. I'll explain below, but first the original question stands for those who want to hold on to old builds. Is there a place to get old versions of files?

    Now, here's what I did. I downloaded the NIV to make it available offline. It created a folder LLS_1.0.10. In that folder was a folder called 2014-10-30T03_55_23Z-(bunch of numbers). That must be the most recent iteration of the resource. 

    Hooking in to my computer, I navigated to this folder and put .old at the end of the bunch of numbers.

    I copied over the old version I had backed up that started with 2011-03... etc. I RENAMED this folder to the 2014-10... etc. only without the .old at the end. Now when I open NIV, it works!

    So Logos thinks it's looking at a new version of the file, but the contents are all from 2011. Now to try this with the backups of the rest of my resources.

  • Lew Worthington
    Lew Worthington Member Posts: 1,636 ✭✭✭

    That's pretty good technical work! I'm glad it worked for you. [:)]

  • Paul Jansen
    Paul Jansen Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Update: I have KJV, NIV84, and Book of Concord working. The resource backups I have for NA27 don't work. I didn't have backups for BDAG and HALOT. (My backup folders were empty.) 

    I'm happy with where I'm at, and hope this info helps people. It would still be cool to find old versions of these other resources. If anyone finds a repository from Logos, let me know.