I own a Windows tablet and would like a better Logos app for it

Reply in this topic if you own a Windows (RT or Pro) tablet and would like a better Logos app for your tablet.
I have an Android tablet, but switched to a Win 8 tablet to run pc software, but I sure wish the Logos app would be worked on. I get updates on the Android Logos app regularly, but the Win 8 app just sits there in beta form. It would be great to get some of the basic functionality back.
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I have a Surface Pro and yes, I would like a better Logos app...but if it's a question of limited resources, better use of Windows 8 gestures on Logos 5 would work for me, too. But both would be ideal, same functionality of the iPad version.
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I just found that you can run the FULL Logos 5 on a Win 8 tablet (I have the Asus Vivotab Smart 32gb with Atom processor), putting the whole program and resources on a micro sd card and it runs quite well! I'll never use the Win 8 app now that I have the full version running very adequately.
1. You have to format the microsd card in the NTFS format rather than FAT. Then you can install programs onto the card and they run (I also installed Photoshop Elements on my 32 gb card as well.)
2. Then install Logos 5.0. Its that easy. I didn't use hardly any of my very limited c drive space.
3. If you already have the resources and want to avoid redownloading and reindexing, be sure to select Custom installation and uncheck “Automatically Download Updates". Follow the suggestions here (method 2 or 3). http://wiki.logos.com/Quick_Installation_onto_multiple_computers
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I too own a Surface RT tablet. I love the build quality, second to no others. I really wish Logos would develop the RT Logos app. I recently read a posting somewhere on one of the forums that Logos will wait to see how the RT sales go before committing time to development. Ugh! My solution has been to purchase another tablet, this one however, runs the full blown windows 8 software. Not my favorite choice, but it will do. I picked up an Acer W3 32 gig tablet for $269.000
David Saylor said:
I just found that you can run the FULL Logos 5 on a Win 8 tablet (I have the Asus Vivotab Smart 32gb with Atom processor), putting the whole program and resources on a micro sd card and it runs quite well! I'll never use the Win 8 app now that I have the full version running very adequately.
You say Logos 5 runs "very adequately" on your tablet. I tested Logos 5 out on the Samsung ATIV and Lenovo Think Tablet 2 with the same specs as your tablet, but installing it to the faster SSD, and found Logos ran unacceptably slow for me.
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Maybe I should be more specific about the performance that I am getting. First, if this were my only machine to use Logos 5 on, I would be quite disappointed. But for a second machine - a tablet, I'm OK with it. It DOES have a delay when you click down/up a full screen...but it's relatively short and I can live with it. It does take a good while to load. And I honest don't know what will happen when it needs reindexing (hasn't happened yet but someone else said it may take a long time). I must say that even on my Core I7 with a 5400 rpm drive, there are moments when I wish Logos was more responsive. So I was pretty amazed that I could load my entire (18 gb) program with 2700 books onto my microsd card and have it run as well as it does. Personally I'd rather have this than the Ipad or Android apps, which do run better, but are so much more limited in total capabilities. This works just like my laptop, because it IS just like my laptop. Notes, copying text. Searches, etc.
I'll report back in the future when I use it for awhile.
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I do not mean to be unkind but humourous.....
Its sounding to me like you took a lemon and made lemonade that you find ok to drink.
i am going to wait for a better crop of lemons...ahem...I mean Windows 8.1 Tablets.
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Please don't clump the RT tablet and Surface Pro tablet together. They are completely different animals running different operating systems.
Microsoft took a $900 million write off for inventory of RT tablets that they will never sell, and Asus, the other major manufacturer of RT tablets says they will not manufacture any more RT tablets. The RT tablet and operating system is a complete failure, and I would not want Logos to expend ANY effort on their app for this platform. I am sorry for any of you that bought an RT tablet.
The Surface Pro however, runs actual Windows 8 and that is another thing completely.
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RT = Really Terrible
God bless all those who bought one of these R (idiculous) T (urkeys)
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Just remember that Apple released the Newton which was never embraced by the masses, but many of the concepts (and lessons learned from it) contributed to the success of the iPad years later.
The RT has its weaknesses, but Microsoft has admitted that ARM processors are not going away and they are committed to offering something useful for that technology.
I believe that Logos programmers who work on a Win8 RT App now can learn hints that will make a better product down the road. I may be wrong, but I would think that mobile programmers who have worked on Newton, Palm OS, Blackberry and other mobile platforms would make a better program even though their earliest attempts were not profitable.
When I consider how I preach today, compared to my earliest sermons, I am embarrassed by what I said earlier. BUT, seasoned and mature saints allowed me to stumble and learn and improve without humiliating my earliest attempts. I am better today because of the patience and lack of harsh criticism of my immature offerings by mature saints. Because I have received grace I can be gracious to others.
If we expect perfection right out of the gate, there will be no innovation. Programmers, Hardware designers, preachers need a forum to try, fail, learn, and improve without ridicule.
There is a place for coaching, positive critique, admitting weakness, and learning from failures. And Logos has to decide what is profitable for the company as a whole - should they bag the whole WinRT app, or continue to invest in hopes of a long-term gain?
I am not pleased with the current state of the Windows Store App. But I know Logos is capable of doing better if they choose to invest the hard work and resources necessary. I also know that they are under no obligation to invest their resources in my preferred operating system.
To borrow an illustration from baseball - Will I be the Cubs Fan who is always hoping next year will be our year and give the coaches time to recruit/train the necessary talent? Will I be the Cubs Fan who jeers at mistakes? or Will I simply ignore the Cubs and root for another team?
Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).
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Given the poor sales and popularity of the surface products I do not think you will see Logos investing much time or money developing the app for RT.
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This is a video of the performance of Logos 5 on my VivoTab Smart Win 8 Tablet AND some tips on using Logos 5 on a touch device. I am really impressed on how "touch friendly" the software is. I don't think it would take much to make it truly shine.)
(Sorry about the quality. I took it on a camera rather than by a screen capture so the touch features could be seen.)
Logos5-Win8Tablet from David Saylor on Vimeo.
https://player.vimeo.com/video/72984685Logos5-Win8Tablet from David Saylor on Vimeo.
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MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Peace, David! *smile* Thanks so very kindly for sharing with us! Just excellent! Indeed! I look forward to joining you with a similar set-up someday!David Saylor said:This is a video of the performance of Logos 5 on my VivoTab Smart Win 8 Tablet AND some tips on using Logos 5 on a touch device. I am really impressed on how "touch friendly" the software is. I don't think it would take much to make it truly shine.)
(Sorry about the quality. I took it on a camera rather than by a screen capture so the touch features could be seen.)
Logos5-Win8Tablet from David Saylor on Vimeo.
Logos5-Win8Tablet from David Saylor on Vimeo.
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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I know all about the RT write off and that Logos is following the Windows 8 App situation but I do believe that there is a need for improvement of the Windows 8 App. With 8.1 I think there will be more uptake on Windows 8 and the need for a better App. It seems to me that with the millions of Windows computers that there will be a greater market for Windows 8 apps on the horizon. And if Microsoft can put out Office on an RT version, why can't Logos do the same. It's actually a much better tablet solution than Ipad imho.I don't feel like I got stuck with a lemon when I purchased my Surface RT recently... (with the marked down price, it was well worth it.) I am already much more productive that I ever was with my ipad. And while I can use remote desktop on my RT and work from my office computer with Logos running at it's native speed, I'd still like to see a more robust Win8 App.
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Robert C. Kuefner Jr. said:
And if Microsoft can put out Office on an RT version, why can't Logos do the same.
Logos could, but it's a business decision. Logos has to direct their resources to where they can get the best return. Logos has said that their estimated ROI for enhancing the RT app isn't good enough because the RT market is too small. Microsoft created Office RT because they had to in order to be able to sell the tablet. If RT fails, then Office RT is also financial loss. It looks to me like full Windows 8.1 Atom-based tablets will win the day. At least, I'm considering buying one now for my wife to replace her laptop.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Well Said David. I too want to see the RT to succeed, but it depends on who invests in it. The Windows store apps are also for other Windows8 devices as well. I want to use the Logos app on my desktop at times and on my tablet that runs the full Logos5 program, so even if RT goes away it will be a good investment for Logos to improve the Windows Store App.
BTW I like your analogy of the first few sermons you gave. I am just learning as a layman and am where you were at in the beginning. You are right we are at the mercy of the Saints and their patience.
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I followed the instructions and it did not work..
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Fredc said:
Given the poor sales and popularity of the surface products I do not think you will see Logos investing much time or money developing the app for RT.
I agree about the RT tablet. I never saw the purpose in that. But there is no problem with the Surface Pro tablet. It is the only computer I use, and it runs Logos better than any machine I have ever had.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Faithlife has been offering a Windows app on CP and it stalled a long time ago at around 15%.
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Given the amount of buzz and interest in Win10 devices after yesterday's event by Microsoft (Surface Book, Surface Pro 4, etc.) it seems a shame that Logos is still not interested in the platform.
Oh well - I refuse to buy Logos 6 until this happens. I have three Windows devices where I would like the ability to read my Logos books like ... books in tablet mode.