TIP of the day: Best answers of the week

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,038
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How do I get the tile widths to match up across multiple monitors?

Try using floating windows on the secondary displays.

How do I build a reading plan based on Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System?

see http://www.challies.com/christian-living/ten-chapters-per-day

one answer: see  https://wiki.logos.com/Reading_Plans#Custom_reading_plans

TCBlack said:

Dividing the sections up and dividing against 365 tells you how many times each section is read. 

For example in this program it takes 89 days to read the gospels.  That's 4.1 times per year.  Therefore if I set it to read mt--jn,mt-jn,mt-jn,mt-jn  I get an approximation of the frequency.

Section Days to read Repeats
Gospels 89 4.1
Pentateuch 187 1.95
Early Epistles 78 4.68
Later Epistles 65 5.62
Wisdom 62 5.89
Psalms 150 2.43
Proverbs 31 11.77
Kingdom Lit 249 1.47
Prophets 250 1.46
Acts 28 13.04

If someone doesn't want to edit the sql file  they could approximate the program a bit better.  Though once again it would be without chapter breaks, and has some degree of innacuracy this way.  Simply divide this over one year/ 365 days.

Mt–Jn,Mt–Jn,Mt–Jn,Mt–Jn | Ge–Dt,Ge–Dt | Ro–Col, Heb, Ro–Col, Heb, Ro–Col, Heb, Ro–Col, Heb, Ro–Col, Heb| 1 Th–Phm, Jas–Re, 1 Th–Phm, Jas–Re, 1 Th–Phm, Jas–Re, 1 Th–Phm, Jas–Re, 1 Th–Phm, Jas–Re, 1 Th–Phm, Jas–Re | Job, Ec–So,Job, Ec–So,Job, Ec–So,Job, Ec–So,Job, Ec–So,Job, Ec–So | Ps,ps | Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr,Pr | Jos–Es,Jos-Es | Is–Mal,Is–Mal | Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac

When you create a custom reading plan, you can import multiple existing reading plans to the same starting date. This might help you easily generate what you want.

Try this:

  1. Create a new generated reading plan for Psalms. Make it 150 days long, and change the boundary setting from "default" to "chapter".
  2. Create another generated reading plan for the OT. Make it the desired length and also change the boundary setting to chapter.
  3. Create another generated reading plan for the NT. Make it the desired length and also change the boundary setting to chapter.
  4. Create a custom reading plan.
    1. Use the Add button at the top of the panel to add readings from your Psalms reading plan.
    2. Use Add to add your other two reading plans.
  5. After creating the new custom plan, you can delete the other 3 plans, since those were only needed to help set up the custom plan.

I hope that helps!

TCBlack said:

I've not figured out how the custom reading plan tool works.

The custom reading plan lets you rigidly design  your reading plan, literally one entry at a time.  In order to pull off Horners plan with it, it will be very labor intensive.  AFAIK there's no means of bringing in a spreadsheet to make it happen.  

In order to work with a custom reading plan, go ahead and create one (Documents> Reading plan).  Choose CUSTOM READING PLAN and go at it. 

  1. Set the starting date under "Add a reading session to today"
  2. Click "Type in a reference" (Genesis 1)
  3. Click"Type in a reference" (Matthew 1)
  4. repeat for each division in horner's plan.
  5. Click Add session
  6. The date will advance automatically.
  7. Return to #2 and advance the chapter numbers.

When you're done, you will have spent a HUGE amount of time, but it will be "perfect". And it will be sharable with others VIA faithlife.


Here's an alternative way to accomplish the same, based on Andrew Batishko's instructions.

Horner's plan consists of 10 lists, each of them with different lengths.  This is what creates the power of intertextual reading.

  1. Create a new generated reading plan for The Gospels. Make it 89 Sessions long, and change the boundary setting from "default" to "chapter".
  2. Create a new generated reading plan for the Pentateuch. Make it 187 sessions long, and change the boundary setting from "default" to "chapter".
  3. Romans, I&II Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, Hebrews| 78 Sessions
  4. I&II ess, I&II Tim, Titus, Philemon, James, I&II Peter, I,II&III John, Jude, Revelation | 65 Sessions
  5. Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon | 62 Sessions
  6. Psalms | 150 Sessions
  7. Proverbs | 31 Sessions
  8. OT History | 249 Sessions
  9. Prophets | 250 Sessions
  10. Acts | 28 Sessions

Now: Create one new CUSTOM reading plan.

Click Add > Another reading plan at the top and one by one add your reading plans you just created. 

This will properly break all books up by chapter.

Now then you need to do some more work.

You will have to scroll through the list and watch for where one of the sessions falls off.  Acts and Proverbs for example every 28 & 31 days respectively.  Then you will have to Add >>Another Reading Plan again, but make sure to choose the start date as the next day to pick back up again.  

The hardest part of this is setting up the ten categories - but once that is done, it's done.  

The second hardest part is ongoing: finding each time the reading in one section stops and you have to re-add it at that date.  I have not built it out, but I can see, if you wanted to spend the time, you could end up with a massive 10 year reading plan if you want. (I don't really know what the outer limits of Logos' reading plans are.)

The Best part: Once it's done, you can share it with the FaithLife community. :-)

Where do I find the list of abbreviations used in the context menu search menu and relate them back to the list in https://wiki.logos.com/AFAT_genres ?

Eli Evans said:

I updated the public wiki page (https://wiki.logos.com/AFAT_genres ) with the current values of abbreviations from the data type definition files. This will be 100% accurate to the current (6.x) data type. The resource itself may not necessarily include every category that is defined in the data type (but probably does).

They probably should be documented in the A-F Glossary. I'll forward that request.

AFAT Genres comes from Syntax Search


On reference links to notes on particular verses, how do I see both the reference and the footnote?

Rick said:

Zak Metz said:

Oh wow, I thought it happened everywhere. I'm seeing it in the FSB. Is this something I can report as a typo inside the book using the right-click menu or do I need to report it somewhere else?

This may not be a linking error in the FSB. I've noticed that in the FSB if it says, for example, "see note on verse 1", both the word "note" and the number "1" are linked. The link on the word "note" is linked to the actual note and the "1" is linked to the verse. The screen shots below show this. In the first picture, I am hovering over the number 1 and the second picture shows me hovering over the word "note". Are you hovering over the word or the number?

How do I log out of Logos?

There is a built-in method for logging out of your account. Just start Logos with the Ctrl key held down, and it will open you up to the login dialog box. Click "Work Offline".

But logging out of Logos is not equivalent to preventing others from having access to your library and files. All it does is prevent Logos from accessing the Internet (e.g., to download updates or sync your documents and preferences) while you're using it. People on that computer would still be able to access your stuff. So this would not be sufficient.

As others have suggested, the only way to prevent others from having access to it on a shared computer is to install it in a password protected user account and log out of your Windows account when you step away from the computer. (I'm assuming this is Windows, not Mac; I don't know what the equivalent would be for Mac, if it's possible.)

How do I share a custom highlight palette?

Fredc said:

You can publish custom palettes using https://documents.logos.com

Doc B said:

Here is a FL group dedicated to sharing HL palettes- https://faithlife.com/logos-5-highlight-icons-styles/documents

If you'd like to share with everyone, simply join this group (it's an open group) and upload a copy of your palette in the Documents area.

Where do I find definitions of the Proverbs Explorer form categories?

This is a great question. We actually have definitions, but they apparently didn't make it into the Proverbs Explorer. That will happen in a future update.

In the meantime, here are the short definitions:


  • Advice: Predicated as a direct address, often to a specific hearer.
  • Characterization: An attempt to define a class of persons by their characteristics.
  • Consequence: A Proverb that explains the consequence of certain behavior.
  • Means: A means by which a result occurs.
  • Ode to Wisdom: Personification of Wisdom in proverbs.
  • Prologue: Introductory comments to a set of Proverbs.
  • Saying: Predicated as a direct address, often to a specific hearer.


  • Antithetical Parallel: Second half expresses an opposite of the first half.
  • Better/Than: A comparison between something that is better than another thing.
  • List: A list or progression of material.
  • Redirection: A topic is redirected to something new.
  • Similar Parallel: Second half restates the first half.
  • Simile: An explicit comparison.
  • Statement: Not a parallel; A complete thought is expressed only by both lines.
  • Synthetic Parallel: Second half builds on the first half.

FAQ: What can't I highlight in my Bible?

NB.Mick said:

I did have the same issue once when trying to highlight in my bible - it turned out that some Logos update changed the Visual Filter settings for this book and unchecked the highlights (go to the menu under the three dots icon and verify that highlights are visible - with a right click and checking "apply to all" you can make sure this applies all over your Logos 6)

FAQ: Why do my results include words other than the specific one I am searching for?

Doc B said:

Have you unchecked "match all word forms" in the panel menu?

How do I search for the asterisks in the NASB?


The NASB uses an asterisk (*) in the text like a footnote to identify every place where a Greek verb in the Historical Present tense has been translated with an English verb in the past tense for smoother reading.  I am trying to produce a list of these occurrences by using Logos 6 Search.  

You're right that you can't search for *

However, the * is linked to a popup containing text describing its meaning. You can search for some of that text, and Logos will highlight every matching footnote.

Because the footnote isn't considered part of the Bible text (it was added by the translators), you have to perform a "Basic" search to get results. This will limit your ability to export the results to a Passage List, although you could get a quick overview of the verses involved by performing an Inline Search rather than using the Search Panel:

How do I find all the Greek words translated by a particular English word?

Use the Bible Word Study Guide with the word "crown" and use the Translation section

" rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

Morph Search analysis can group by Greek Lemma:

How do I use the preposition usage part of the Bible Word Study?

The Preposition Use in the BWS guide is tool that visually shows how the lemma in questions is used with various prepositions. For example, when I perform a BWS on λόγος I notice that in the NT λόγος is used with:

  • ἐπὶ (G, D)
  • ἐν
  • ἀπὸ
  • ἐκ
  • περὶ (G)
  • διὰ
  • κατὰ (A)
  • μετὰ (A)
  • εἰς

The letters beside the prepositions above indicate the case in which λόγος is (i.e. accusative, dative, genitive); some prepositions appear in multiple cases, so this is a quick and easy way to see what case λόγος is in in the examples.

This can be replicated by a syntax search, but this section in the BWS is much quicker to use, and because it is in the BWS guide you will have even more information all in one place.

How do I look up a word definition?

alabama24 said:

Hi, occasionally I want to look up just a definition of words in resources. Yet, I cannot get the desired result by attempting to select/highlight a word from the text and click "Look up" in the context menu that pops up when click the right mouse button.

When you use the right click menu, there are different "selections" to choose from. In the first screen shot, I have "right clicked" on the word "practical." In the pop up menu (same screen shot), I have "practical" selected on the right hand side of the pop up. When I click "Look up," I am given the definition in MW dictionary (second screen shot).

Are you following these instructions? If so, can you post screen shots?

Is there a way to utilize the systematic theology feature to find the topic about "God" ?

mike said:

Is there a way to utilize the systematic theology feature to find the topic about "God" ?

Sadly, the systematic theology feature works on Bible verses, not topics.

STs don't have special topic-based tagging yet. There's a project in the queue to add it.

In the meantime, you could try doing a heading or large text field search in your STs collection. You'll get a little noise, but it'll probably get you pointed in the right direction.

How do I create a visual filter for the pronoun "you" (as a single box) and "you " plural as a double box?

This may help.  Also might add that if you kept your Camp Logos 2 Syllabus the details for creating this are all laid out in chapter 4 and specifically on page 20 using Logos 6.

" rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

One way to create a visual filter is saving a search:

Singular 2nd person pronoun OR verb (with embedded pronoun)

@R?2?S OR @V???2S

Plural 2nd person pronoun OR verb (with embedded pronoun)

@R?2?P OR @V???2P

Old English uses thee and thou for you singular plus ye for you plural.

How do I search for a verb with or without mai?

My question is is how do I format this search so it gives me verbs with lemmas not ending with mai? 

Not reliably  e.g.   @V ANDNOT lemma:*mai  will eliminate valid verbs in a verse just because there is one with *mai.

If you want a list of verbs, though

create Word Lists (from the Search menu) using:

@V   ---> find all verbs (the Word List takes a long time)


lemma:*mai@V???   -----> your search

then do a Merge from the first Word List that removes the words/lemmas from the second list (the Difference).

Not reliably  e.g.   @V ANDNOT lemma:*mai  will eliminate valid verbs in a verse just because there is one with *mai.

Reliably, extrapolate your search as a Bible Search

<LogosMorphGr ~ V???????> ANDEQUALS <Lemma ~ lbs/el/*mai>

so the exclusion becomes

<LogosMorphGr ~ V???????> NOTEQUALS <Lemma ~ lbs/el/*mai>

How do I add indentation in Style Edit under Copy Bible Verses?

I want to be able to add an indentation to my verses when I copy a Bible verse or passage to Pages or Word.

Here is my current modified style that I use for my sermons:



<p><b><sup>[VerseNum]</sup></b> [VerseText]</p>

Use <tab>   --> it doesn't require a </tab>

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."


  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,147

    Thanks MJ. Great to have your "tip of the day" back again.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • Michael McLane
    Michael McLane Member Posts: 891

    Sweet. Thanks for this.

  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭

    Made the list twice (new record for me).

    I'd go buy myself a beer, but I'm Baptist.


    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,038

    Doc B said:

    I'd go buy myself a beer, but I'm Baptist.

    Big Smile

    Here, have one on me [:D]

    root beer or birch beer? [B]

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • George Somsel
    George Somsel Member Posts: 10,153 ✭✭✭

    Doc B said:

    Made the list twice (new record for me).

    I'd go buy myself a beer, but I'm Baptist.

    Big Smile

    I'll sacrifice and drink one on your behalf (perhaps a Guinness) though I'd prefer a glass of wine.  [;)]


    יְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן