Storage on external SD card

My galaxy tab stores all of Logos on my internal drive. How can I use my 32g external SD card for my resources?
Try: Home-->Menu-->Settings-->Applications-->Manage Applications-->select Bible-->in the Data section there should be a button "Move to SD Card" (mine says "Move to Phone" since my resources are already on the SD card). This works on my Galaxy S phone running Android 2.3.5
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Robert M. Warren said:
Try: Home-->Menu-->Settings-->Applications-->Manage Applications-->select Bible-->in the Data section there should be a button "Move to SD Card" (mine says "Move to Phone" since my resources are already on the SD card). This works on my Galaxy S phone running Android 2.3.5
I have Ice Cream Sandwich and there is a tab in system settings called Apps which I'm assuming is the same as "manage Applications" but there is not "select Bible" tab. Please advise as I would also like to use my storage card.
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Tim Engwer said:
there is not "select Bible" tab
Sorry, I wasn't clear. A list of applications appears and the user can select "Bible" (which is what Logos Android is called now). Probably ICS has a way to end up at a similar place where one can change the Data storage location for the app.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Yes, I found it and it turns out that on my tablet (7" Zeki) move to sd does not actually move the files to the external sd but to the internal sc card. It seems that they changed things so that there is a folder on internal storage called sd card and it is seen by the system as an external sd card. So it seems for now I may have to keep everything internal until I can figure out a work around. Does anyone have any ideas?
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Tim Engwer said:
Does anyone have any ideas?
This has been discussed many times with no response from Logos. The app requires an SD card (which is usually internal) and there is no way to link it to resources if manually moved elsewhere e.g. to an optional external SD card. Fact is some devices are 16 / 32/ or 64 GB with no other way to increase storage once purchased.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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This is something I have also been wondering about. I don't always have a wifi connection where I am and really want to have most of my resources with me offline, but my internal storage is too small. I bought a 32gb micro sd to expand the storage but noticed that I can't use it for logos resources.
I hope we can have the option soon to be able to put resources into our external sd cards. I know it's possible because I have another popular bible app on my tablet that does give me the option to choose the path where I want to store my books.
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Henry Finkle said:
I hope we can have the option soon to be able to put resources into our external sd cards.
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Another vote from me. Logos is currently the largest user of storage on my phone - I'm not a great one for music, photos and videos - and being able to keep limited internal storage free by putting books on an SD card is important.
From what I can gather, these days an app needs to have, and manage, its own folder on an SD card, for security reasons. However, there's no particular obstacle to that. The Laridian Bible program that I was using before Logos has an internal program setting; this determines where books are stored from about four options, and moves them if they are currently in a different place.
Of course, I could just go back to buying more books for Laridian, because space for them is not a problem!
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Dave Hooton said:
This has been discussed many times with no response from Logos.
I know there are different technical issues with Android, however in the past it has been stated that the similarly rigid policy regarding relocating resource storage for the desktop applications is necessary to streamline technical support for issues with resources.
Although some resources are updated frequently, still once downloaded they are essentially read only data. It really would be nice to have the flexibility to choose where resources are stored.
"The Christian mind is the prerequisite of Christian thinking. And Christian thinking is the prerequisite of Christian action." - Harry Blamires, 1963
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More than one, and the first is marked Under Review:
There may be others, but these are the most voted for, I think.
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Thanks, David. I did a Google search and found the mobile site, but did not see these.
If you use Android, this feature is needed! VOTE, Vote, vote!
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Floyd Johnson said:
Is there a User's Voice option for this?
David Rossall beat me to the post.
There are many suggestions in uservoice indicative of customers desires to have greater control over local resource storage.
For the mobile apps there are several related uservoice suggestions.
There are the two David mentioned:
- Give option to download books to SD card on Android
- Default downloaded resources to external SD card
Here are more for the mobile apps:
- Transfer resources
- Improve Resource Download Reliability (on iOS)
- I downloaded the resources for logos on my iphone. But when offline logos app doesnt work. How about making resources available offline?
- Share downloaded resources between Logos and Vyrso apps
- Add ability to download resources offline from our personal favorites folder
- PBB Sync to Mobile
These were mistakenly posted to the desktop applications uservoice site:
- Allow the APP to use books from SD Cards
- Download library to iPad
- enable iTunes to back up resources downloaded to iphone
Related uservoice suggestions specific to the desktop apps the related uservoice suggestions are not well supported by the voters.
- Allow library resources to be stored on/accessed from external storage (such as from an SD card)
- Selective downloading for Windows 8.1 Tablets
- Option to Install select resources to save disk space (Mac)
- Move to Second Computer Wizard
- Allow 'pre-hide' of resources
- ability to designate user file location
- change the way logos can be stored and where...
- Create desktop version which only downloads resources when needed rather than store them all locally (which takes up a LOT of disk space).
- Make PC like iOS: Control over updates and downloads
- Need to seperate the program and resources on 2 different drives (SSD & HDD)
- provide a warning about resource files being deleted when uninstalling, or don't delete them.
- update resources less frequently
Here's an interesting one that potentially relates to both desktop and mobile applications:
"The Christian mind is the prerequisite of Christian thinking. And Christian thinking is the prerequisite of Christian action." - Harry Blamires, 1963
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Ah, that's why I couldn't find my initial threads and comments. Separate forums for mobile and desktop. I found them in a Google search but didn't realise, until now, that they were not the same forum [:)]
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My current phone (Galaxy Avant) and tablet (Galaxy Tab 4) both run 4.4.2 (KitKat). On both of them, the Logos Bible app stores 700-800 MB of data on the SD card. I didn't do anything to make that happen. I don't know if that's an automatic feature of the OS or if Logos configures it to do that. I suspect it's the OS. I do understand that Androids after a certain version do no allow the app to be stored on the SD card for security issues, but app storage isn't the issue on this thread.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)