BECNT 2 Corinthians Not Dowloading

My new BECNT 2 Cor. Is not downloading. I already tried rebuilding index and restarting phone and nothing works. Anyone else having a problem with this?
DAL said:
My new BECNT 2 Cor. Is not downloading. I already tried rebuilding index and restarting phone and nothing works. Anyone else having a problem with this?
This resource went live today (9/28/2015). It takes at least 24 hours for resources that go live to be made available on mobile devices.
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Hey DAL,
You're not alone.
My goal is just to be able to have it show up in my Library and it isn't. It's on my pc just fine. All the other BECNT volumes are in my library on the iPad just not 2 Corinthians.
EDIT: Thanks, Kevin. I'll find it tomorrow!
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:DAL said:
My new BECNT 2 Cor. Is not downloading. I already tried rebuilding index and restarting phone and nothing works. Anyone else having a problem with this?
This resource went live today (9/28/2015). It takes at least 24 hours for resources that go live to be made available on mobile devices.
Thanks, good to know!
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I know this is an "at least 24 hours" situation, but i just tried to access on the phone and it wasn't there.
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Yes, it's not available yet.
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Update - I checked with the team and there are still some versioning issues being worked out, so it may take a while for this resource to become available on mobile. Sorry about the delay.
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:
Update - I checked with the team and there are still some versioning issues being worked out, so it may take a while for this resource to become available on mobile. Sorry about the delay.
Understood--thanks for looking into it.
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Still not available on ios.
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Juanita said:
Still not available on ios.
I will update this thread when the resource becomes available on iOS.
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Thanks, I was starting to wonder about it.
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This resource should be available sometime later next week in the iOS apps.
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Thanks Kevin.
Is it a similar issue for Tim Keller' Romans For You, 1-7 ?
Is there an ETA for this one?
2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro
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Both the BECNT 2 Corinthians and Romans 1-7 for You are now available. Please make sure you are running the latest version of our apps.
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Thank you
2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro
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Hi Kevin
... still trying several hours later ... no Romans 1-7.
I a running the latest iOS app, and the latest Mac Beta. Restarting either device does not work.
The iPad cannot see Romans 1-7 at all.
The resource's info panel on the desktop does not display the 'device' tick boxes.
Logos Bible Software 6.7 (Update channel: beta)
2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro
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Hi Martin,
Please open the iOS app to the Home page and enter "rebuild index" in the reference field and wait a few minutes. This will rebuild the Library index on your device after which the resource should be discoverable through the Library. If it isn't, please let me know.
Just so you know, Desktop and Mobile platforms are not the same regarding resource availability (as evidenced by this thread). If the resource in question isn't available in the latest Desktop Mac Beta please report it to the Desktop team.
After using "rebuild index" you should see something like the screenshot below:
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:
Both the BECNT 2 Corinthians and Romans 1-7 for You are now available
Hi Kevin
I still can't see the BECNT volume on either my iPad or iPhone. I have rebuilt the index on both
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I re-built the index-am not sure if I need to since I don't have any resources downloaded to my iPad-still no BECNT 2 Corinthians commentary showing up.
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Hi Kevin.
Index rebuilt, and neither the BECNT volume or Romans 1-7 for you is showing up in the library from the iOS device.
On the desktop, BECNT 2Cor does have the iPad tick box (and is ticked), Romans for you 1-7 does not have the tick box.
2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro
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Juanita said:
I re-built the index-am not sure if I need to since I don't have any resources downloaded to my iPad-still no BECNT 2 Corinthians commentary showing up.
For clarification: the "rebuild index" feature on iOS doesnt do the same thing as on your desktop. It is more about library management. On the desktop, rebuild index is about searches.
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Thanks for that tidbit of info, Alabama.
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Hi Kevin
ive submitted a log
I can see the volume in the Logos Now webapp
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I reported the problem. I have a license. It's in my order history and on my pc version of Logos.
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Juanita said:
I reported the problem. I have a license. It's in my order history and on my pc version of Logos.
Thanks. Yes, I know you have a license; if the mobile app isn't recognizing it (for some reason) that would be a problem related to licensing (I didn't mean to imply you didn't have a license). Granted, it might not have to do with that at all as I was just guessing out loud.
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My logs have also been submitted.
2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro
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I've written up a case for the dev team.
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Just checked and it is available on the iPad. Thanks, FL team!
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