Logos on iPad shuts down during use

It happened (again!) yesterday.
Several weeks running now, while I am trying to take notes on a Bible text during our pastor's sermon, the Logos app crashes, losing everything I have typed since I last closed the note. I don't get a crash report (that I know of), it just crashes and I have to restart the app.I uninstalled and reinstalled the app thinking that would help, but this morning it crashed three times during the sermon. (Either fortunately or unfortunately he was preaching on Prov. 14:29 ["Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick tempered displays folly.")
If it matters, I have 1.9 GB of free space on the ipad and I was connected to WiFi.
I am using version 4.6.4 (4.6.46101)
I am considering scrapping the app and just going back to paper Bible and an ipad app that is reliable for taking notes on. (NOT Logos.)
Any suggestions?
What device? What version of iOS? How large is the note document? (One way to find out the later, is to pretend to print the note document from your desktop and see how many pages it would take.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Model 3rd Gen (Model A1416)
iOS-8.4.1When I try to print it out, it is only 1 page long, however it is just printing the note header, not the text of the note.
Thanks for your help.
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Correction: that was on compact view. On Full view it is 10 pages long.
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I don't know what to say. I have the same device... and you should know that our iPads are getting "old,"... but I don't think that is the problem. I would normally suggest a fresh install, but you have already done that. A "nuclear" option (which may or may not work) would be to do a complete wipe of your device. I do recommend this from time to time for both Logos and non-Logos related issues... A good time to do this would be while installing iOS9.
I would not worry about that just yet. FL may want logs. Let's see what Kevin suggests.
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Calvin Habig said:
Several weeks running now, while I am trying to take notes on a Bible text during our pastor's sermon, the Logos app crashes, losing everything I have typed since I last closed the note.
Hi Calvin,
Please tap the Help menu and use "Report a Problem" so we can take a look at your device logs. I expect this is an out of memory issue on your device.
Also, please remember that you don't have to wait weeks to report an issue - we'd like to hear about them right away (if possible).
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Thanks. I did that yesterday. Should I do it again?
I had put a note about this problem in another thread on this forum, but never got a response. (Correction: I just went and checked to see the thread name and it actually was in the wrong Forum. Oops, my bad) Finally someone suggested I start a new thread.
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Calvin Habig said:
Should I do it again?
It couldn't hurt... If you do so, it would be good to provide a link to this thread.
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I just resent it with a link to this thread.
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I'll write up a case for this issue. Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation last week.
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Calvin, is this crash still occurring?
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Yes. I've tried making sure every other program is closed before using it to make sure it's not a memory issue, but it still crashes.
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I've never heard of a note that is ten pages long and so you might have run into a limitation the mobile apps really weren't intended for. Is there a reason for creating such a long note?
When exactly does the app crash - is it when you attempt to print the note, edit the note, etc?
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Calvin Habig said:
Correction: that was on compact view. On Full view it is 10 pages long.
for clarification: is the note document 10 pages or a single note 10 pages? Also: was the note created entirely on the iPad, or also on desktop?
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0