Support, where are you?

I have contacted support at least twıce when the app has crashed on 2 ıpads when I trıed to open esv reference from connect the testsments. It stıll crashes. I have not receıved even a sıngle acknowledgement tho I mentıoned that I was not happy to have heard anythıng from support. I was much tempted to gıve the app a bad revıew, but eventually decıded ıt mıght be more posıtıve to mentıon the problem ın the forum and hope to get some joy here.
nicky crane said:
I have contacted support at least twıce when the app has crashed on 2 ıpads when I trıed to open esv reference from connect the testsments. It stıll crashes. I have not receıved even a sıngle acknowledgement tho I mentıoned that I was not happy to have heard anythıng from support. I was much tempted to gıve the app a bad revıew, but eventually decıded ıt mıght be more posıtıve to mentıon the problem ın the forum and hope to get some joy here.
Hi nicky,
Our support team has been extremely busy lately - we apologize for the delay in getting back with you.!
This crash is a known issue and will be fixed in the next 5.0.2 stable release. If you wish to join the beta you can run 5.0.2 now (or the vNext 5.1). Please send an email directly to kevin (dot) byford (at) faithlife (dot) com if you wish to try out the beta version.
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Thanks Kevin. I have themimpression thatnthe beta version gets no support, so I guess I stay with the regular version, tho thatnseems to get nomsupport either atnthe moment.
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The beta version fixes the issue, but if you want to stay with the broken version that's up to you. If you post here in the mobile forums before contacting support you might get a faster response.