Newsletter tool not working

I tried twice to create a newsletter, but the "save draft" doesn't seem to be working, and went I clicked to send the newsletter, only the title section and the first article section were part of the final copy. I had added three additional articles that just vanished when I sent the newsletter.
I'm upset at losing the time I spent writing up the articles and for the inability to send valuable information to the email subscribers of the newsletter.
This is my first attempt to do anything like this; I just created my first group yesterday and wanted to send out our class update using the newsletter tool, but it has been a failure. Unless this can get resolved soon, I'm not eager to try again and may just abandon the idea of using Faithlife for an online presence of our Sunday school class.
Could it be related to the fact that I'm using the Edge browser in Windows 10? Should I try it in a different browser?
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Now I've tried again in Chrome and in Internet Explorer, and they all fail to save the newsletter after I add a second article to the design. So I guess it's not the Edge browser per se.
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Well, that appears to be fixed. However, I have encountered two other issues now. First, the word wrap on the newsletter view is inconsistent. After I sent the newsletter, I went back to it to make sure that all the sections were there. They were, but some of the words are being divided on two lines. In a couple of cases the first letter of the word is on one line and the rest of the word is on the next line down.
Second, I created a few new calendar items (regular, not "special event" items), and I noticed that in one case I put the wrong date for an all-day item. I opened the item and changed the date and clicked "Save." The button grayed out, but nothing else happened. The edit window stayed open. When I clicked away from that window, it disappeared, but the date had not changed. I tried again with the same result. It is suspiciously similar to the behavior of the newsletter "save" button before you fixed it.
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Tonight I went to add a new Newsletter to the group, and I can't find any link to start a new newsletter item at all. Has this feature been removed?
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We temporarily removed the Newsletters feature from all groups on while we revisit its design. The feature is not gone, though, it has just been moved to our beta site.
You can continue to use the feature by visiting The tab should still be visible there.
Sorry for the confusion.