BUG?: preferred Bible sync problem

L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have two Android devices (4.4 on Samsung Galaxy A3 Duos and 5.1 on Sony Experia Z3 Compact Tablet). On each of them I have three to four Faithlife-Apps (Logos, Verbum, Biblia, Vyrso).

After changing the preferred Bible, all Apps accept the new one except the Logos-App (Verbum, Biblia, Vyrso do). The last three did so after activating the Reading Plan Option in the Visual Filter Menu in the Mac OS X Desktop App. The Logos-Android-App didn't.

The reluctant Bible Version is the portuguese NTLH (Biblia de Estudo Nova Tradução na Lenguagem de Hoje), Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil). 

Latest OS and App Versions on all devices. German OS Language --> German Faithlife App Language.

It's a problem I carry some weeks now. Maybe someone experiences the same issue or knows how to solve it. 



  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭

    I still can't change the "preferred bible" in the Faithlife Bible app. [*-)] 

  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭

    to make it clear: yes, I can change the preferred bible... but without effect regarding the reading plans

    Android 4.4.4 none of the Faithlife apps accept the changes 

    Android 5.1.1 all Faithlife apps accept the changes - only the "Bible" app does NOT. 

    ...all after a clean install... (new devices)

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    L.A. said:

    I still can't change the "preferred bible" in the Faithlife Bible app.

    I'm not quite sure I understand this issue.  

    When creating a Reading Plan on Logos Desktop, the Bible chosen when creating the plan is tied to the reading plan; however, the particular Bible chosen should not have any effect on the Preferred Bible selected in any of the mobile apps.

    For example, each of the apps in the following screencast are signed in using the same account, and each of them has a different Preferred Bible.  The Preferred Bible isn't supposed to sync across mobile apps.  https://monosnap.com/file/KspQAteq5fQHuBGjXDZHxnrN4KXzLC 

  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭

    Kevin, thanks for the video-clip! Only that I knew how to change the preferred Bible. My problem is, that it does not take any effect. 

    When creating a Reading Plan on Logos Desktop, the Bible chosen when creating the plan is tied to the reading plan

    I downloaded the Reading Plan (Ökumenischer Bibelleseplan ...) from the Logos Users Germany Faithlife Group's documents. The "Bible" app shows the Portuguese NTLH, the "Verbum" app the German Luther 1984. Changing the preferred Bible doesn't have any effect. 

    Changing the preferred Bible worked until more or less two month ago. Do I have maybe to delete a certain file on my Mac OS where I run the Logos desktop app?

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Changing the Preferred Bible will *not have any effect* on the Bible being used for a Reading Plan.  We don't want customers creating an ESV reading plan and then having it unexpectedly change to NIV if they happen to change their preferred Bible.  The app has never worked that way (and if it did it would be a serious bug).

    Deleting files on your OS X system will have no effect on the mobile apps (but might break the Desktop app).

    I don't know why this issue is occurring and haven't been able to reproduce it.  Can you send me a link to the Reading Plan you downloaded?

  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭

    Can you send me a link to the Reading Plan you downloaded?


    Reading Plan: Ökumenischer Bibelleseplan 2015 kplt.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159


    I don't know much about the Android apps, and it might well be I misunderstand you. On the other hand, some additional info may be helpful. It seems you say that Reading Plans are bible version specific - and this holds true only for some of them, not all of them. 

    The Reading Plan generator allows for at least three major types of Reasing Plans (predefined, automatic, custom) with variations within the custom plans, where I can build the plan according to selections, references, and indexed parts of resources (such as pages, calendar days, headwords or whatever parts are indexed).

    The automatic plans start off with a book (which might be a bible) and thus are resource-specific (they name themselves accordingly: "read XYZ in one week/month/year ..." where XYZ is the name of the book/bible). The predefined plans I've seen cover topical readings from the bible and require selection of a version in the definition. I'm not sure if all of them are, but most seem to be bible-reading plans specific to a selected resource. So far this is in line with what you wrote.

    The custom-built plans that work by reference are different - and that's exactly the functionality I used to build the plan L.A. was referring to in his post. I may be able to put up a plan with e.g. the I AM-sayings or Jesus' Last Words on the Cross. In this situation I am onlyasked to give references, which are not tied to a resource and will show up in any bible version.

    If you want to test this, I have just created a plan for reading Jn 3:16 today and shared it with group Faithlife Beta:

    I've no idea about the Android apps, but on the desktop the reading shows up in all my bibles - as it should.


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭

    NB.Mick, thank you very much for your explanation! 

    @Kevin and NB.Mick

    1. I just created another Custom Reading Plan. My "preferred Bible" on Logos 6 Desktop was the German EÜ2 (LLS:EINHEIT2). 
    2. When I loaded the plan in the Android "Bible" app it showed up with the Portuguese NTLH (LLS:2.0.3003).
    3. When I loaded the plan in the Android "Verbum" app it showed up with the Luther 1984 (LLS:1.0.519).
    4. After changing the preferred Bible to another Version (I tried some German and Portuguese) the plan continued with the mentioned Bible versions. 

    Could it be that the Bible version set as preferred (for example in the Desktop app) keeps connected to the reading plan when installing one of the Faithlife Android apps? ...and when changing the preferred Bible before installing another Faithlife app this app keeps connected to the just before changed preferred Bible? ...and that these settings are unalterable? (not even after uninstalling the app and installing it once again?)

    Strange... Maybe I'm the only one having this problem... ? 

    Until more or less three month ago I was definitely able to change the preferred Bible within the Android apps regarding the mentioned Custom Reading Plan. In my ministry I'm living with two to four languages (German, Portuguese, Spanish, English). So I'm heavily regretting the loss of this "unwanted" feature (or serious bug [:S]) of changing the preferred Bible having effect on Custom Reading Plans (being aware of the different Bible verse maps). 

  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭

    L.A. said:

    When I loaded the plan in the Android "Bible" app it showed up with the Portuguese NTLH (LLS:2.0.3003).

    Pardon!! It showed up and keeps connected with the above mentioned German EÜ2! All other Info are correct. 

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,095

    I know earlier in the thread you spoke about setting the preferred Bibles but can you double-check what they are set to in the various apps when you try and invoke the plan?

    Just trying to eliminate the possibility of the preferred Bible settings being different across the various apps.

  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭

    I know earlier in the thread you spoke about setting the preferred Bibles but can you double-check what they are set to in the various apps when you try and invoke the plan?

    Thanks Graham! I triple-checked... and found something, after creating another (third) Custom Reading Plan... 

    ...the result:

    • The Custom Reading Plan created with Logos 6 Desktop will be imported to a Faithlife Android app tied to the preferred Bible set just before importing the Custom Reading Plan into the Faithlife app and keeps tied with this Bible Version.
    • Custom Reading Plans used within the Logos 6 Desktop App will accept multiple changes of the preferred Bible and are not tied to a certainBible  Version.  
    • Custom Reading Plans imported into any of the Android App won't accept changes. They are irrevocably tied to the first set Bible Version. 
    • If a user wants or needs different Bibleversions/-languages within the Reading Plan he/she has to create various Plans.  

    At least, now I understand the Faithlife Apps' behavior regarding the Custom Reading Plan. Personally I would prefer the 'old' not intended feature of changing the preferred Bible having effect on the Custom Reading Plan within the Android Apps... but I understand and accept Faithlife's decision limiting this feature. 

    Thank you very much for the extremely helpful discussion, Kevin, NB.Mick, Graham!! You're doing a great job!!