help Greek Alphabet Tutor lock error

Learn to Use Biblical Greek with Logos 6
The Greek Alphabet Tutor is locked in the android app
It was working before the book update
Stuck with out this , please fix
Is the resource downloaded to your device?
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Thanks for getting back to me
Know it's not showing up in my library0 -
Which version of the app are you running? The current stable version is 4.6.5.
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That's why a asked about down load link on logos website
It automatically update from the app store to 5.1.0
It is showing 4.7 on the app store
But is installing 5.100 -
On your device, please go to and then select "Leave the test".
Please see for more information (if you scroll to the bottom it has screenshots about Removing yourself as a beta tester).
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Library ?
So I have got to uninstall the beta app
Then installingl the stable version
Which folders can I keep, so I don't have to download books again
Thank you for your help.0 -
Michael said:
Is it possible to keep the folders with the download books as I have a big Library ? So I have got to uninstall the beta app Then installingl the stable version Which folders can I keep, so I don't have to download books again Thank you for your help.
It is not possible to keep downloaded resources when reverting to an older version of the app, so you'll have to delete the 5.1.0 version of the app and perform a fresh install of 4.6.5. I believe you were removed once before from the Beta apps so I'm not sure how you got back on.?
In any case, please stick with the stable versions - that way you shouldn't lose your resources again.
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I think what as happend ,I downloaded from logos website the stable version some time ago
But did not sign out of the beta version in the Google account,
Then it must have been updated ,back to the beta from the Google app store
Thanks again for the help,0 -
Still not getting the Greek Alphabet (logosnow)
To work in android app and the website app0 -
Michael said:
Hi Still not getting the Greek Alphabet (logosnow) To work in android app and the website app
I just realized what you are trying to do; I got stuck on your mention of "Learn to Use Biblical Greek with Logos 6" ( and failed to realize you were talking about "Greek Alphabet Tutor" (
This Greek Alphabet Tutor resource is not currently supported on mobile devices which is why it's locked. Sorry about the misunderstanding.!
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It can be confusing when links in resources are locked , is it looked because
I don't own them or is there an issue with the software, or because its not for
Apps, or is this a website only resources for the full logos software
Instead it would help if a resources was showing a symbol to indicate
Cloud only, and logos now tools/batasets to show a symbol