Indexing did not complete

My computer was left to itself to finish indexing. It stopped and requested an error report be sent to Microsoft, which I have done.
- Coputer was left to itself to finish indexing.
- I was not using the computer at the time
Actual Result
Indexing was not completed and stopped with 1082 still to go. This happened after 7 hours of indexing!
Expected Result
I was expecting the program to finish indexing some time this evening
System Specs (if using multiple computers or not in your signature)
- Windows XP on a desktop, Pentium 4, 2.93 GHz, 2GB RAM
Having sent the logs to you, do I need to start again or will restarting the program continue/ restart the indexing again?
Have you checked available space on your harddrive? This index recreates your resources folder and takes a large amount of space. It appears from reading other posts that others have had this problem because of a lack of HD space.
Just a thought
How to ask for help for Logos issues.
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Thanks for the idea Jason.
I have 73 Gb free space on my HD and 11.8 Gb of resourses.
I tried again and the whole thing started from scratch. I left it to run overnight and by this morning it had completed successfully. (I am 8 hours ahead of the time in Washington State)
I am now ready to play with the program to see what it can do.
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Cool Ian
I did the same thing. My laptop has been running continuously for 1 day 6 hours - think I need to give it a break!
I found generally that letting it run without trying to do anything in the program also helped and making sure no background programs were running.
How to ask for help for Logos issues.
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Hi George
I have an option of changing my language in windows from English (United Kingdom) to French and that other foreign language commonly known as English (United States) as I am known to write and speak all three (although not fluent in the last two!) [*-)]