How do I search for all occurrences of ἐν followed by the dative plural?
How do I search for all occurrences of ἐν followed by the dative plural?
MVH said:
How do I search for all occurrences of ἐν followed by the dative plural?
You want something like the search below
It will vary depending on what part of speech you are interested in.
Enter the lemma term and the "BEFORE 1 WORD" and then click the "@" and go from there
Does this give you what you need?
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Yes Graham--that's what I was looking for.
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MVH said:
Yes Graham--that's what I was looking for.
If you change Graham's search to WITHIN 2 WORDS you'll pick up all those cases where the noun is preceded by a definite article - it produces more than twice the number of results.
Running Logos 6 Platinum and Logos Now on Surface Pro 4, 8 GB RAM, 256GB SSD, i5
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lemma:ἐν BEFORE 1 WORD (@NDP, DDP)
Is probably more precise, as WITHIN picks up datives that precede the preposition (of which there are quite a few). This search string picks up dative nouns or definite articles immediately following the preposition.
Running Logos 6 Platinum and Logos Now on Surface Pro 4, 8 GB RAM, 256GB SSD, i5
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MVH said:
How do I search for all occurrences of ἐν followed by the dative plural?
A different approach is to do a Syntax Search using the Cascadia Syntax Graphs, SBLGNT edition.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
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GregW said:
lemma:ἐν BEFORE 1 WORD (@NDP, DDP)
Is probably more precise, as WITHIN picks up datives that precede the preposition (of which there are quite a few). This search string picks up dative nouns or definite articles immediately following the preposition.
Thanks Greg. Very helpful!
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Thanks Rick. I wish I could fathom how to construct such a search. I've given it a shot, and got nowhere. But, the results shouldn't be different than the lemma + morph searched that Graham suggested, right?
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Usually more accurate as it loooks for preposotional phrases which also takes care of proximity. The morph search should confirm how good the syntax results are.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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MVH said:
Thanks Rick. I wish I could fathom how to construct such a search. I've given it a shot, and got nowhere. But, the results shouldn't be different than the lemma + morph searched that Graham suggested, right?
There is a video here on Syntax searching which might help. I have to confess I use it so rarely that I have to go back to the video every time I need to do so. This one applies to Logos 5, but I don't think it has changed in L6.
Running Logos 6 Platinum and Logos Now on Surface Pro 4, 8 GB RAM, 256GB SSD, i5
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Thanks Dave. That's helpful information.