Over the past few weeks my wife has been complaining that the FSB doesn't work correctly anymore or takes a very long time to load and then crashes. We are getting repeated crashes, i.e., the app suddenly closes for no apparent reason.
The search function is frozen. No matter what we do on both devices it will not function.
I deleted the old FSB app and installed a new one on both devices, but this did not correct the issue.
I even set the settings so that it opens at the home page rather than at search. And, twice, I have completely rebooted both devices.
Each of us are using the following separate devices that we purchased mid-2013:
iPad Mini iPad Mini
capacity: 56.5 GB 27.3GB
available: 41.2GB 17.1GB
Apps: 52 20
Photos: 241 326
Version: 9.2 (13C75) 9.2 (13C75)
Model: MD530LL/A MD529LL/A
We both have the LOGOS Bible App and Verbum installed. She still has the FSB app installed. I deleted mine as the LOGOS Bible App on my device kept crashing (closing for no apparent reason) and it still does no matter where I am in the app.
(She uses the Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible and the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear Bible open in split screen continuously in the LOGOS Bible App, but I go all over the place using various resources.)
However, if either of us decide to use the SEARCH function the LOGOS Bible app and the FSB app both suddenly close. This is a mystery!
If someone else were having the same issue, then I am sure I'd see it in the forums??
I've followed the troubleshooting steps as posted and have sent an iOS log separately from both iPads.
We are continually hooked to the Internet via a wireless access.
Hope this helps.
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
Dr Whootten, I'm just bouncing your query back to the top.
They'll probably ask, how does either mis-behave off-line (downloaded books)?
Regarding other users, I noticed the latest ios update doesn't sandbox correctly ... my Logos app was getting confused on highlighting, until I closed another app 'underneath' it. Plus ios still has a lot of bugs that I've noticed ... not sure how/why ios9.x has been so buggy.
Hopefully you'll be back in business soon.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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We believe this issue is related to a combination of our latest update and the device model, both are 1st Generation iPad Mini devices. We're investigating further. Sorry about the issue.!
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We were able to reproduce this issue but it's a pretty tricky one and doesn't happen all of the time. I'll write up cases for the dev team.
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Dr. Charles A. Wootten said:
However, if either of us decide to use the SEARCH function the LOGOS Bible app and the FSB app both suddenly close. This is a mystery!
We've discovered that Search locks up our apps the first time one attempts to search on a word, but only the very first time after a fresh install. The issue doesn't occur after an upgrade or if the app is restarted and a search is performed again... so the search issue should only happen one time. However, since you've deleted the app and performed a fresh install, it happened again (first search attempt after a fresh install).
If this happens again, please kill the app and restart it, then try your search again - I don't expect it will happen after that. The dev team is working on a fix.0 -
Hi Kevin! Sorry for the delay is getting back to you. OK...Let's go through both apps... BTW: my library has 13,669 resources on the main computer and all functions, including searching, works great. Did you know that Yggdrasil gives 53 results in 37 articles in 12 resources? heheh....
LOGOS app: Last night I sorrowfully deleted this app, thus losing all previously downloaded books. Taking your advice, I opened the app this morning, went to the SEARCH, found it frozen, and then double-tapped the Home button. Rather than noticing the usual complete picture, there was a black outline present instead. I swiped up to delete it. I waited a few moments, then re-opened the app. The Internet indicator showed that it was trying to download something. Then, <BLINK!!>, the app suddenly closed. This was repeated several times. I have the iPad settings so that this should open at the Home Page, but it goes straight to the search, and then crashes again. (In all cases I made sure the app was completely closed before restarting.)
FSB app: {see previous! I performed the same steps shown above with this app}. This FSB app actually stays open for only a few seconds and then closes. I know that it is trying to download the FSB, its components, and the Lexham dictionary. However,it doesn't stay open long enough to accomplish anything.
If I knew any other way of getting the data to you I'd make it happen. The crashes are preventing access to the logs.
I am glad to see that your team was able to reproduce this to some degree and that the dev team is working around the clock neither eating, drinking, or sleeping until they've overcome. Oh wait...that's not what you said! heheh... I do appreciate the efforts!
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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Denise said:
They'll probably ask, how does either mis-behave off-line (downloaded books)?
Denise, I wish that I had read your comment before I responded to Kevin. It never occurred to me to go offline. So, I did. It seems that when I deactivate Internet access on my iPad mini that both apps seem to work well.
thanX!! for the idea.
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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Kevin, see my reply to Denise!
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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Dr. Charles A. Wootten said:
It never occurred to me to go offline. So, I did. It seems that when I deactivate Internet access on my iPad mini that both apps seem to work well.
This is not really a solution if you count on anything related to sync, the guides, etc.
We've fixed the issue related to Search crashing the app on the first try but are still looking into the issue of your apps crashing.
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:
We've fixed the issue related to Search crashing the app on the first try but are still looking into the issue of your apps crashing.
YAY! The wife will be delighted to hear that! Perhaps when you are ready to release that fix it might solve the other issue, too?
Here in Virginia we just got wonked with an "almost blizzard" that left 11" to 14" of snow in my area. As I reply to this on Sunday morning the sky is blue and the sound of snow shovels can be heard cleaning up the mess. If it was up to me, I'd let it stay pristine for a day... [:D]
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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How can I help you?
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:
How can I help you?
Hi! The situation has not changed as discussed earlier in this Forum. The latest update made no difference.
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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Dr. Charles A. Wootten said:
Hi! The situation has not changed as discussed earlier in this Forum. The latest update made no difference.
The crash that we fixed was related to a brand new fresh install of the app; the first attempt at selecting a word in a resource and tapping Search from the context menu would crash the app.
We haven't yet figured out what is going on with the particular issue with your account although we believe it might be memory related because of your older first generation iPad Mini devices.0 -
Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:
The crash that we fixed was related to a brand new fresh install of the app; the first attempt at selecting a word in a resource and tapping Search from the context menu would crash the app.
OK... I'll look into that again.
Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:We haven't yet figured out what is going on with the particular issue with your account although we believe it might be memory related because of your older first generation iPad Mini devices.
Hmmm.... The wife and I will discuss this idea. But if a memory issue affects one app, shouldn't it affect the other more complex apps?
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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We are not able to debug this issue with your Logos app logs; we need the logs from the FSB app. Are you able to send those?
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:
We are not able to debug this issue with your Logos app logs; we need the logs from the FSB app. Are you able to send those?
No. [:'(] Both apps crash before I can get those particular logs sent to you.
Reinterpreting your thought in a previous post, our iPad Mini 4s arrived yesterday. [:D] I restored both from a backup. The wife was ecstatic this morning during her normal study hour as there were no crashes or other issues with the FSB. She got hooked on it several months ago during a visit to our daughter's house and now she can't seem to put it down.
We should consider this case closed since the older iPads have been retired.
We do appreciate you and your team working on this unusual issue. [Y] Thank you from both of us.
God bless
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.