Hermeneia and Prioritizing Resources - Passage Guide

It is not possible to prioritize the 54 volumes of Hermeneia - only the 51 volumes.
It's a bit frustrating because I'm working on Mark and this volume does not open automatically on a passage guide.
It's taken me ages to work out how to prioritize a series. Now that I know it's by right clicking on a resource that is part of a series, it makes sense. But, the system does not seem intuitive.
Why do 5 bibles open in passage guide. Do I have to select 5 priority bibles so that I no longer see a French and German title there or the ASV.
The Oxford Bible Commentary does not appear in commentaries and can not be prioritised.
Would it be best on first use to have a number of check boxes to select favourite commentary series, grammars etc (much like the home page allows the selection of a preferred bible)?
How do you enter line breaks / paragraph breaks in this forum???????
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Unfortunately I would not expect to see the Oxford Commentary. While it is my prefered commentary in my 3.0 setup, it is still a Logos 2.0 resources. I would love it if this were available in a more recent format. <g>
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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What is very strange, is that having added the Oxford Bible Commentary to my prioritized resources, it appears in the right-click context menu for bible references. I can open it that way but it does not appear in the commentaries in the passage guide.0 -
I don't know... I'm in the DVD group and while I have DLed the beta onto a test machine to do a bit of playing, the test machine did not have Logos on it, so I don't have my resources. I do certainly hope we can get that one working in version 4 though.
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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DamianMcGrath said:
How do you enter line breaks / paragraph breaks in this forum???????
<p>Wrap your paragraphs in paragraph markers like this one </p>
<p>and the next one will be spaced </p>
That isn't necessary if you're using the full editor, but the text editor requires some basic html.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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