Notes not syncing between android tablet and desktop app.

My usual mode of operation is, while reading scripture on my tablet, to take notes verbally (I use the Swype/Dragon keyboard/speech-text app) on the tablet, editing them later in Logos 6 on my desktop where editing is a lot easier. However, my more recent notes from the last few days are not showing up on the desktop. I tried typing "sync" and "sync repair" in the command bar with no results. I then restarted Logos, waited while it synced, and the notes still aren't showing up. Any ideas?
Okay, never mind. Figured it out and it was my problem, not Logos.
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I am having the same problem with my Galaxy tab. I can go from Tablet to Desktop but not the other way round. What did you do to fix the problem?
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Daniel Kilcoyne said:
I am having the same problem with my Galaxy tab. I can go from Tablet to Desktop but not the other way round. What did you do to fix the problem?
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Thanks Kevin. I have my documents but do not have my highlighted information. The highlights I made on the desktop come through on my phone but not on my tablet.
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Daniel Kilcoyne said:
Thanks Kevin. I have my documents but do not have my highlighted information. The highlights I made on the desktop come through on my phone but not on my tablet.
Are notes/highlights enabled on your tablet (it's in Settings)?
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I discovered that the notes I took on my tablet were coming through after all -- I just had my note entries sorted wrong. I thought they were sorted by reference when they were really sorted by date. When I scrolled down to the bottom of the file there they were!
When I first started taking notes this way I couldn't get my notes on my tablet until someone suggested I type "sync repair" in the command line on the desktop. Did that and it has been working ever since. You might try that.
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Yes highlights are enabled. I can highlight on the Tablet and edit notes and clippings and it will show up on my desktop. However the highlights that are made on the Desktop do not show up on the tablet.
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Daniel Kilcoyne said:
Yes highlights are enabled. I can highlight on the Tablet and edit notes and clippings and it will show up on my desktop. However the highlights that are made on the Desktop do not show up on the tablet.
Are the highlights you created on Desktop synced to Please see this thread: