Android Suite 5.1.0 Stable Release

The Android team is pleased to announce the 5.1.0 stable release of the Bible, Biblia, FSB, Verbum, Vyrso and Noet apps.
The apps should be available soon in Google Play (in a few hours) and in the Amazon Store in roughly 24 hours.
If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
- Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred.
- App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
- Device Info – (Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic, Kindle Fire (1st gen))
- Android Version – (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0)
Versions in this release:
Biblia 5.1.0 (Build 441)
Bible 5.1.0 (Build 441)
Faithlife Study Bible 5.1.0 (Build 441)
Noet 5.1.0 (Build 441)
Verbum 5.1.0 (Build 441)
Vyrso 5.1.0 (Build 441)
Google Play direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Vyrso -
Verbum -
Noet -
Amazon Store direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Verbum -
Noet -
New Features
- Create and sync Prayer Lists with Logos Bible Software and
- Create and share quotes and slides with Visual Copy
- Create clippings of notable passages for study and review
- View and explore Biblical maps on your device with Atlas (may require resource purchase)
- Chinese (Hong Kong) and Korean localization support
- Restyled UI based on Google’s Material Design
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with line leading on devices running Android 6
Nice release. Congrats.
One new feature that I am really liking but isn't mentioned is that the app now opens to wherever you last were - so if you're reading a book, it opens straight to where you were in that book. Thanks!
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Why does Google Play tell me that my phone is not compatible with this version? I have Android 5. Does this update only work on the newest Android OS?
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This may not be the place to ask, but is there a way to get the atlas offline?
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Hi Billy,
Can you tell me what make/model of device you have?
Unfortunately, Atlas is only available online at this time.
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Motorola Moto E 2nd generation.
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Billy Neumann said:
I have Android 5. Does this update only work on the newest Android OS?
I only have Android 4.4.2 (Samsung Note 2) and was able to update just fine, so I don't think it has anything to do with your version of Android being too old. I know that doesn't solve your problem, but it may help rule something out at least.
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No issues on Samsung Galaxy J7 with Anrdoid 5. That definitely rules out an issue with the Android version.
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My tablet (LG G Pad 7.0 and Android 5.0.1) is not compatible with this Logos version for some reason.
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Billy Neumann said:
Motorola Moto E 2nd generation.
This is very strange... The Google Play store says that device should be compatible -
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Pastor Brian said:
My tablet (LG G Pad 7.0 and Android 5.0.1) is not compatible with this Logos version for some reason.
Same thing with the LG G Pad device, Google says it's compatible with our app:
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If I could upload the screenshot of my Play Store, I would. But the Play Store said my device is not able to have this app. I have only previous version of the app (4.6.5).
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When it first released it (playstore) told me my device was not compatible, but it has since downloaded and now is compatible.
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Oops. I didn't think it had posted the first time. Sorry about that.
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Matt Hamrick said:
When it first released it (playstore) told me my device was not compatible, but it has since downloaded and now is compatible.
Billy Neumann said:
Screenshot of mine:
Pastor Brian said:
If I could upload the screenshot of my Play Store, I would. But the Play Store said my device is not able to have this app. I have only previous version of the app (4.6.5).
Hi folks -- yes, these kinds of issues seem to be google-related. Please make sure there aren't any google-related apps wanting to update in Google Play, and then try rebooting your device.
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Ok, did all that. It didn't work. Had an idea, tho. I uninstalled and then installed it from the amazon app store. That worked.