Suggestion: option to disable Back button (Samsung phones)

Allen Browne
Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

On Samsung Galaxy phones such as the Note 3, there is a Back button in the lower right corner. Would it be possible to change or disable this button in the app's Settings?

Pressing the button takes me back to where I was previously, which could be the Bible verse before I jumped to another, the previous book I was reading, or the place in the current book where I was when I loaded the app. While all of this is quite logical, in practice it can be very annoying. Several times a week I find myself losing my place in a monograph as a result of accidentally hitting this button. It then takes dozens of swipes to get to where I was again.

Do any other users have a comment on this?

I've observed other Note users hitting the same snag. I do appreciate that some users may like the behavior: hence the suggestion of making it an option. I'm also conscious that Samsung's interface is non-standard, so it may not be a simple request.

Thanks for listening. Comments for or against from other users could be informative.



  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 143 ✭✭

    I'd guess that Faithlife isn't going to change this...the back button is a standard Android control and users generally expect it to work consistently in all apps. Google discourages adding non-standard back button behavior because then users have to learn how the control works in each app they use. I know that's probably not the answer you're hoping for, but maybe that helps explain things.

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    I don't particularly like the function either, but it is what it is. The way I have worked around it, is to select "Home" on the Logos App menu, then press the Home key on the phone (or tablet).

  • Greg Wright
    Greg Wright Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    I find the back button very useful. However, it may be more useful if there were a "forward" option so that you could easily return to the place you just went "back" from.

  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭
  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for providing feedback, guys.

    One of the useful things in the forums is that Faithlife can see which ideas have user-support and which ones don't, and that's a really good thing.

    I personally prefer the way the Back button works in the Kindle app, but it looks like people here are happy with the way the Android app functions at present.

  • Doug Wesney
    Doug Wesney Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    It looks like back button was disabled in this recent release (or so it appears to me. I liked that feature. 

    The worst part is the long-hold on back button used to link you to history...first to the book you're in, and if you tapped it again, you would get all history. 

    Once you're in a menu now, back is non-functional. This defeats back button...which I loved. This stinks...

  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭

    It looks like back button was disabled in this recent release (or so it appears to me. I liked that feature. 

    The worst part is the long-hold on back button used to link you to history...first to the book you're in, and if you tapped it again, you would get all history. 

    Once you're in a menu now, back is non-functional. This defeats back button...which I loved. This stinks...

    Strange, Doug.

    The Back button on my Samsung Note still works for me, taking me to the previous passage I was using. Holding down the back button also pops up a list of the previous passages I've been in (though I had never noticed that before).

    I'm using Bible version 5.1.1.

  • Doug Wesney
    Doug Wesney Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I did make one mistake by uninstalling and reinstalling. Unfortunately I lost all of my history... But that's okay I know how to work around that. The thing that is interesting is that my back button does work, takes me back to old pages, but the hold function no longer seems to do what it did before. If anyone has any links to other articles in the site, I'm glad to do my own research.

  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭

    I did make one mistake by uninstalling and reinstalling. Unfortunately I lost all of my history... But that's okay I know how to work around that. The thing that is interesting is that my back button does work, takes me back to old pages, but the hold function no longer seems to do what it did before. If anyone has any links to other articles in the site, I'm glad to do my own research.

    Okay, so as a result of uninstalling, it had no history to show initially.

    I can't comment on what a long-hold on the Back button used to do, as I'd never used that before reading your post. But it does seem to show me a scrollable history of where I've been in the resource that I'm currently reading. Currently that's Mark Moore's Kenotic Politics, so what I see is this:

  • Doug Wesney
    Doug Wesney Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Yes, that's exactly what I get to. Now if you tried to do anything else, like with your back button, does anything else happen? For me nothing else happens.

    With Logos 5.0, if you clicked the back button again, you would go and see all the books that you recently read. There would be a right arrow that you can click on, that would allow you to drill into the history of that specific book. That was a great feature! I'm sad to see that it is now missing...