app crashes my phone

I have a Moto X running Lollipop 5.1. I updated my review of the app in Google Play Store today, as follows:
Twice in the past week, since the recent update/s, in church services the app has caused my phone to crash and reboot. It's not cool to think that your phone might disturb the service by notifications before you have a chance to make sure the phone is on vibrate after the reboot. No other app has ever done that to my phone in the two years I've had it. I'm reluctant to use the Logos Bible app, as much as I like it, in a service again until I know this is fixed, hence the change of 5 stars to 3 stars. :-/
Can we get more information?
- Which exact version of the app are you using (we've had multiple releases recently)?
- There are several Moto X phones, different generations, etc. Which exact model do you have?
- What were you doing with the app when it caused your phone to crash (which sounds more like a hardware issue than a software one)?
Please see -
I have a Moto X 1st generation.
My version of Logos is 5.1.1 (Build 501010100)
Both times the app caused my phone to crash when I was waiting for the app to open. I have split panes - one with NLT and the other with the Louis Segond 1910.
I have been using the app like this for quite a while, with no problems whatsoever. In the past week the app has wanted to update twice. These crashes have happened since the updates.
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I would gladly go back to a recent version and just not do updates if it meant I could use the app without it causing the phone to reboot when the Bibles were loading. :-)
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Please install 5.1.2 and let us know if it resolves the issue.
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Earlier this week I deleted the app, clear the app cache, and wiped the Android cache partition. Then I downloaded and reinstalled the app. The problem had not occurred since I did that, but I did update last evening to 5.1.2. On a day trip today, when I didn't have wifi, I opened the Logos Bible app, and all was well. I hope we can consider the problem resolved.
Thanks, Kevin!