Books not available off line

Steve Owings
Steve Owings Member Posts: 56 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

i have the 9.7 iPad Pro and after the last update I can no longer view my books off line. Yes they are downloaded an show as such but when I turn off the internet I can not change the page on any downloaded book. Like i said above this issue began with the last update Version 5.2.2 April 21st 2016



  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Did you perform an iTunes backup/restore from a previous iOS device to your new iPad Pro?

  • Steve Owings
    Steve Owings Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    Yes but it worked after that it stopped after the last update

  • Steve Owings
    Steve Owings Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    I did delete and reload all three Vyroso, Logos, and Faithlife all three quit working off line with the new update then they worked but that is a pain

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    Hi Steve.

    So is your issue resolved? I also have the IPad pro. I had problems but a clean install resolved everything. The latest update has been stable.

  • Steve Owings
    Steve Owings Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    Yes the clean my not all solved the issue it was just a pain as when I needed it it stopped working!

  • JeremyS
    JeremyS Member Posts: 71 ✭✭

    i've got the same issue. was overseas over the weekend and suddenly my FSB app would not load any passage from my downloaded bibles on my iphone 6s+. my ipad FSB was fine however.. totally annoying when you need it to work.

    are you saying the official solution is to wipe everything off my device and set it up from scratch as a new device instead of restoring an itunes backup?

  • Steve Owings
    Steve Owings Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    I am saying that I had to do that to make it work again. Though I am not official but a realist.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    JeremyS said:

    are you saying the official solution is to wipe everything off my device and set it up from scratch as a new device instead of restoring an itunes backup?

    Only  a FL employee can proclaim an "official" solution, but Kevin did not do that.

    For clarification: Are you suggesting that you wipe your device? Before I would do that, I would simply delete the app and reinstall. Seems a simpler solution to try at first. [;)]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Steve Owings
    Steve Owings Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    That is what I'd did delete and reinstall all FL apps and then download resources again. 

    Pas I stated above not official but it was the only solution that worked.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Steve - 

    I wasn't responding to you, just clarifying for another forum member. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • JeremyS
    JeremyS Member Posts: 71 ✭✭

    as stated above, deleting/reinstalling the app didn't work.. i'll try that first but since the only official response is "did you restore from an itunes backup" it sounds like maybe FL already knows this is a problem?

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Previously downloaded Faithlife resources are not restored from iTunes after updating to a new device; they need to be downloaded again.

  • JeremyS
    JeremyS Member Posts: 71 ✭✭

    thanks kevin. the app seems to think that they are still downloaded though. there's no "download" button when you click on the resource. is there a way to fix that in a future build?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    JeremyS said:

    there's no "download" button when you click on the resource.

    There should be a "remove" button in the "info" panel. Clicking on that should bring back the download button.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    JeremyS said:

    i've got the same issue. was overseas over the weekend and suddenly my FSB app would not load any passage from my downloaded bibles on my iphone 6s+. my ipad FSB was fine however.. totally annoying when you need it to work.

    are you saying the official solution is to wipe everything off my device and set it up from scratch as a new device instead of restoring an itunes backup?

    Did you backup/restore our app(s) to you iPhone 6S+ but not to your iPad?  I need more information before I can offer a possible answer.  In any case, a complete device wipe should not be required unless you've been playing around with iOS beta versions (which we don't support).

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    JeremyS said:

    thanks kevin. the app seems to think that they are still downloaded though. there's no "download" button when you click on the resource. is there a way to fix that in a future build?

    In the Library, are the circular resource "i" icons "empty" with a white background or filled with a solid color (blue for the Bible app, green for the FSB app, etc.)?

  • Donnie Hale
    Donnie Hale Member Posts: 2,036 ✭✭✭


    I can add that I have seen similar behavior. I upgraded to the iPad Pro 9.7 right when it came out. I did a backup and restore from my iPad Air 2. The Bible! app installed no problem, and I noticed that the network spinner (upper left) ran for a very long time when I was in the app. I don't know how long it ran in total, but in the neighborhood of at least an hour. I assume it was downloading the books I had downloaded on my previous iPad.

    At one point, I was completely off-network and could not access my downloaded books. Basically wouldn't navigate at all. I have also noticed that these supposedly downloaded books don't behave right in other situations. Yesterday, off network, the app could not bring up the ToC for a downloaded book. The "info" icon made it clear it was downloaded. Touching a footnote has caused the app to spin for several seconds, apparently retrieving the footnote data over the network even though it's a downloaded book.

    In every case, what has fixed the problem for the book I'm having an issue with at the moment is to "remove" the book, kill the app, and re-download the book after starting the app. At that point, footnotes work instantly, the ToC shows up as expected, etc.

    So there's definitely something going on. But I can't tell whether it's more related to the latest version of the app, my migration to a new device, perhaps the new version of iOS, or the specific confluence of all of those.


  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    I can add that I have seen similar behavior. I upgraded to the iPad Pro 9.7 right when it came out. I did a backup and restore from my iPad Air 2. The Bible! app installed no problem, and I noticed that the network spinner (upper left) ran for a very long time when I was in the app. I don't know how long it ran in total, but in the neighborhood of at least an hour. I assume it was downloading the books I had downloaded on my previous iPad.

    Yes, this is what should happen, but if you have many hundreds of books (or more) downloaded locally it might take hours or even days for them to complete downloading depending on network throughput.

    At one point, I was completely off-network and could not access my downloaded books. Basically wouldn't navigate at all. I have also noticed that these supposedly downloaded books don't behave right in other situations. Yesterday, off network, the app could not bring up the ToC for a downloaded book. The "info" icon made it clear it was downloaded. Touching a footnote has caused the app to spin for several seconds, apparently retrieving the footnote data over the network even though it's a downloaded book.

    I haven't been able to reproduce this issue but I trust that it's there - I'll write up a case.  On the other hand, I'm curious whether or not this would have happened if all of the previously downloaded books had completed downloading since I'm not convinced that process succeeded.  The app should really be more indicative of background processes (there are already cases for this) instead of just using the spinning indicator.  I would ask for your device logs but we've already had that conversation; if we had them it might help us narrow things down.

  • JeremyS
    JeremyS Member Posts: 71 ✭✭


    probably only the phone was restored as I must have had the ipad before I got logos. The circles in the app are filled in however as if the resource is already downloaded. As stated above, there is a 'remove' button for these resources as if they are downloaded, but the app treats them as though they are not downloaded. Not the end of the world, but getting this bug sorted would minimize shock and terror when on overseas ministry trips without a paper bible LOL

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309


    I completely understand but would like to take a look at your iPhone app device logs to ensure the restore process was finished; if it wasn't the logs might help fix the issue.  Under the Help menu there's a "Report a Problem" item - if possible it would be great if you sent these to us.  Sorry about your experience, not fun.

  • JeremyS
    JeremyS Member Posts: 71 ✭✭

    hmm i already deleted and reinstalled the app. so i'm not sure the logs will still be there!

  • Donnie Hale
    Donnie Hale Member Posts: 2,036 ✭✭✭

    On the other hand, I'm curious whether or not this would have happened if all of the previously downloaded books had completed downloading since I'm not convinced that process succeeded.  The app should really be more indicative of background processes (there are already cases for this) instead of just using the spinning indicator.

    I wasn't clear that the problems I was seeing with footnotes spinning and ToC not working, etc., happened days / weeks after the downloading had completed (spinning ended). As I mentioned, the books in which I had these problems reported that they had been downloaded (e.g. the info window had a "Remove" button).

    I'll see if I can get logs uploaded. I really do have to add an account to Apple Mail - I've never opened it. ;)


  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    I wasn't clear that the problems I was seeing with footnotes spinning and ToC not working, etc., happened days / weeks after the downloading had completed (spinning ended).

    When the spinning stops it doesn't necessarily mean all background processing is complete.  If the app isn't given time to prepare the library and reindex that will cause problems, and this is why we have existing cases to improve UI feedback so customers actually realize the app isn't yet finished with a process.

  • Donnie Hale
    Donnie Hale Member Posts: 2,036 ✭✭✭

    When the spinning stops it doesn't necessarily mean all background processing is complete.  If the app isn't given time to prepare the library and reindex that will cause problems

    What has to be true for the app to be able to prepare and reindex the library? Does it have to be open and active? Merely open (i.e. not terminated by iOS)?

    I'm not doubting you, but as I said, this was days and weeks after the spinning stopped. And I'm on the iPad for extended periods every day, including in the Bible! app itself. So I would think that irrespective of whether I'm being provided any feedback, the app would have had enough time to complete those processes.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I'm not doubting you, but as I said, this was days and weeks after the spinning stopped.

    It has to be done all at once, without the app closing, else the installation becomes corrupt. That is why I suggest users be judicious in how many resources they download. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Donnie Hale
    Donnie Hale Member Posts: 2,036 ✭✭✭

    Well those are two new pieces of information: 1) More occurs than just the download (I knew there was a "reindex" command but not that it was synchronous with the completion of downloading, for each download); 2) That it has to happen all at once. Seems like that second point would be more important to fix than giving the user some kind of feedback that background work is ongoing. It's not user-friendly, let alone realistic, to expect customers not to leave the app on a mobile device. What if their phone rings?

    As far as judicious in downloads, there's a minimum set of resources you sort of have to have downloaded for the app to be useful in numerous scenarios. I probably have ~100 resources downloaded. That seems like a reasonable balance between usefulness in offline scenarios and avoiding the re-install / corruption issues that you point out all the time.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I probably have ~100 resources downloaded.

    That isn't likely a big problem... although some resources are particularly large. I like to have the ESVSB downloaded, for example... but that can take 10+ minutes to download by itself.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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