Search a BIblical Text for Theological Themes

Dale A. Brueggemann
Dale A. Brueggemann Member Posts: 1
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have a friend asking this question:

I am interested in a resource that is a systematic theology book that is indexed by chapter and verse. Example, 1 Peter 4, Here are the theological ideas about resurrection, grace, death, etc. in this chapter. ONLY theology. Right now I use a hard copy of Thiessen's, Lectures in Systematic Theology and have to jump from index to page searching for reference. Does Logos have something like this?

I'm wondering about different approaches to do this:

  1. Maybe a subheading under the Passage Guide.
  2. Maybe searching a systematic theology like Grudem using <1 pet 4>

Anyone have a more targeted approach to this, or a work that's already geared that way in the Logos library?


  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,820 ✭✭✭

    What your friend is asking for is being tested as a feature in Logos Now as a new section in the passage guide. (see page for video)

    Screen shot:

    Without Logos now you can add a collection of systematic commentaries to a custom passage guide.  The results won't be refined as the Logos now feature but it is helplful all the same.  You could also do the same by searching an individual systemic theology or collection of systematic theologies using a bible reference as you suggest in basic search.

    Off the top of my head I can't think of any Logos resources that are organised in this way.-hopefully someone can come up with one.  I would love to see the following resource in Logos format as it organizes 27 Major Doctrines in this way along with lots of supporting articles and charts. I've kept my print copy and will do so unless it comes in Logos format.

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,126

    1. Maybe a subheading under the Passage Guide.

    Welcome [:D]

    Logos & Verbum Now added Systematic Theologies in 6.4 plus Biblical Theologies in 6.9:

    2. Maybe searching a systematic theology like Grudem using <1 pet 4>

    Faithlife group "Logos Product Collections" has shared "Logos 6 Theology" collection =>

    Anyone have a more targeted approach to this, or a work that's already geared that way in the Logos library?

    Milestone search can be used in resources with Bible Milestones (typically commentaries):

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭

    I don't know if this is what you'd want, but many resources have scriptures indexes at the end. You can check your systematic theology resources for these indexes. 

    If you don't have Logos Now so as to use the systematic theology feature, you can (1) create a collection of your systematic theology resources and (2) query this collection using the passage guide (there is a "collection" section in the PG that allows you to pick which collection(s) you want to query. You can even make a custom guide using only this collection search and then search whichever biblical passage range you want (e.g., 1 Peter or more narrow ones such as 1 Peter 4 or 1 Peter 4:10). 

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 192 ✭✭

    A resource that does do what was asked for is The Thematic Bible ( ) Here for example is the beginning of 1Peter 4:

    Chapter 4

        1 Pet 4:1–2
             ►      Sins (Specific Sins) → Sins Directly Against Self → Carnality → Living For the flesh (for one’s own pleasure, following our sinful nature)
             ►      Sin, in General → Motivations for Not Sinning → Christians are → Dead to sin through baptism into Christ’s death and are raised to new life

        1 Pet 4:3
             ►      Sin, in General → Motivations for Not Sinning → Christians are → Dead to sin through baptism into Christ’s death and are raised to new life

        1 Pet 4:4
             ►      Believers, the Righteous → Experiences in This Life → Contempt
             ►      God: Acts → God’s Acts in Response to Evil → Judges, will judge → In the sense of Render a decision → The whole Earth

        1 Pet 4:5
             ►      God: Acts → God’s Acts in Response to Evil → Judges, will judge → In the sense of Render a decision → The whole Earth
             ►      Mankind, People in General → Situation → Accountable to God

        1 Pet 4:6
             ►      Instructions for Daily Life → Relations with God, Christ, the Holy Spirit — The Upward Dimension → Work to be done for God → Evangelism → Reasons for evangelism, for witnessing for God → That people have spiritual Life, live for Him

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,126

    A resource that does do what was asked for is The Thematic Bible ( ) Here for example is the beginning of 1Peter 4

    Another thematic resource is => Dictionary of Bible Themes

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Ron Corbett
    Ron Corbett Member Posts: 857 ✭✭

    These SEARCH helps are fantastic. And the resources suggested are also great. My 2 cents is: Get Logos Now - now. Huge help for this and other aspects of study [H]

  • Carl Sanders
    Carl Sanders Member Posts: 38

    If you end up using the collection approach, you can also access the information via the cited by tool (select that collection in the cited by options). I have a several collections - a limited theology collection, a larger one for all my theologies, and do the same with biblical theologies. This gives you several layers of research to look at. You can see three collections in the image. While not as slick or automatic as Logos Now, using collections can be customized if you want a specific slice of your theologies. Assuming you have as many as I do that is sometimes an issue.