Android Suite 5.2.3 Stable Release Notes

The Android team is pleased to announce the 5.2.3 Stable release of the Bible, Biblia, FSB, Verbum, Vyrso and Noet apps.
The apps should be available now in both Google Play and the Amazon Store.
If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
- Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred?
- App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
- Device Info – (Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic, Kindle Fire HDX)
- Android Version – (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0)
Versions in this release:
Biblia 5.2.3 (Build 007)
Bible 5.2.3 (Build 007)
Faithlife Study Bible 5.2.3 (Build 007)
Noet 5.2.3 (Build 007)
Verbum 5.2.3 (Build 007)
Vyrso 5.2.3 (Build 007)
Google Play direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Vyrso -
Verbum -
Noet -
Amazon Store direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Noet -
- Biblia crash caused by device rotation
Any new features planned to be released in the future?
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Yes, new features will be added in the future but we don't announce which features will be added or when they will be released.
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Kevin, I am not seeing the update to 5.2.3. I still have 4.7 and my Os is Android 5.0
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:
Kevin, I am not seeing the update to 5.2.3. I still have 4.7 and my Os is Android 5.0
We never shipped a 4.7 version so I'm puzzled (did you mean 4.6?). What app store do you use on your device?
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4.7 is the average star rating, not the app version.
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Thanks I found the version #, I am up to date.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Hi Kevin,
I asked before but nobody replied. I have Chinese phone running Android 4.2.2 and Bible version is 4.6.5. To which Bible version can I upgrade and from where can I donwload it? It is not possible to upgrade Android to higher version.
Thanks for your help.
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Jesús Polaino said:
Hi Kevin,
I asked before but nobody replied. I have Chinese phone running Android 4.2.2 and Bible version is 4.6.5. To which Bible version can I upgrade and from where can I donwload it? It is not possible to upgrade Android to higher version.
Thanks for your help.
You should be able to download the new version of the app from Google Play; the direct download links are included earlier in this thread. if your device says the updated app is not supported it could be a lack of appropriate hardware on your device required to run the new version. For the best Android support we recommend using popular mainstream devices made by leading venders.