Biblical Research Institute (BRI) Collection, Part 2 (511 docs.)

A treasure of material for Seventh-day Adventist affirming their faith and giving answers to difficult questions. These documents assist our friends in understanding Adventist beliefs and practices, that may seem perplexing and contradictory at times.
Some of this material has arisen from discussions with other denominations.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
As of now, between Part 1 and Part 2, is this all the published writings of the BRI?
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John you are missing two more.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Thanks, Lynden, for your excellent and accurate advice to our brother.
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What happened with the second part of the BRI studies?
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What happened to it. Inquiring minds would like to know.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I cannot access BRI Part 2 in the Logos store. It is unavailable.
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I am hoping that it is a mistake. It may have been pulled due to lack of interest. Faithlife has dropped some of its resources that were not picking up steam.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:
I am hoping that it is a mistake. It may have been pulled due to lack of interest. Faithlife has dropped some of its resources that were not picking up steam.
It WAS a mistake! There are resources that if Faithlife wants new customers that it MUST publish. But because the current customers have maxed out their credit cards so that they are no longer buying every good thing offered many of the NEEDED good things are getting dropped. And that may mean no new customers. I have not followed all of the Logos Groups but I know that to be true in at least three including this one.
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Indeed, BRI Collection Part 2 (511 docs.) was cancelled because it was not attracting sufficient pre-pub orders to meet new marketing standards. I was able to salvage part of it in BRI Perplexing Scriptures Explained.
Here's the real problem: most SDA pre-pubs have never sold well, despite weekly promotion. Cutbacks have now severely affected our ability to promote every week, which has further weakened our selling potential. Faithlife is a business, and books to be sold must now pass a complex approval process (in which I must be able to make a compelling case that they will be profitable within a reasonable amount of time) will not be posted even as pre-pubs.
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This is a typical chicken-and-egg kind of problem. Without good resources in the first place, new customers are not attracted to the platform. While I understand the business decisions that need to take place within Faithlife, I personally feel that many important resources have been cancelled and makes Logos less attractive.
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So sad, I was so looking forward to having these materials in an easy to access form. I own several in book form but. . . there is nothing like having it in Logos.
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