Preferred Bible function not working properly in Bible app. 5.2.3 (502030070)

Normally I have NASB as my prefered Bible. I am going to teach where NIV is used, so I tried to change the preferred Bible to NIV, but it is not working right.
I have a couple of strange scenarios:
- I went to settings, the preferred Bible was already set to NASB. I selected NIV, but it stayed NASB. I selected ESV and it did change to ESV. I then selected NIV and it did change to NIV.
- When it was set to ESV or NIV, and I tapped a BIble reference in a note document, it would open NASB rather than my newly selected preferred Bible (ESV or NIV, which was already open in split screen, landscape orientation - with the Bible on the left and the note document on the right). I rechecked the preferred setting and it was still on the new setting (ESV or NIV).
Android device info noted below and was online at the time.
Tim Hensler said:
I went to settings, the preferred Bible was already set to NASB. I selected NIV, but it stayed NASB. I selected ESV and it did change to ESV. I then selected NIV and it did change to NIV.
I am unable to reproduce this issue, it might have been a timing thing (i.e. how long did you wait after the change?).
Tim Hensler said:- When it was set to ESV or NIV, and I tapped a BIble reference in a note document, it would open NASB rather than my newly selected preferred Bible (ESV or NIV, which was already open in split screen, landscape orientation - with the Bible on the left and the note document on the right). I rechecked the preferred setting and it was still on the new setting (ESV or NIV).
Unless "Attach to Reference" is enabled when creating a note, the note will open in the Bible in which it was created. Do you know if the note in question was created using that setting? I've attached a screenshot.
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Hi Kevin,
I found the problem. I conducted the following test:
- Go to settings on my tablet, Android Bible app
- Settings show NASB as preferred Bible
- Tap Preferred Bible
- Selection screen automatically scrolls to NASB with a checkmark next to it
- Select NIV
- Screen goes back to settings page
- Settings show NASB as preferred Bible
- Wait 20 seconds, still shows preferred Bible as NASB
- Tap Preferred Bible
- Selection screen automatically scrolls to NIV with a checkmark next to it
- Tap NIV again
- Screen goes back to settings page
- Settings show NASB as preferred Bible
- Wait 20 seconds and NASB still shows as preferred Bible
- Tap Preferred Bible
- Selection screen automatically scrolls to NASB with a checkmark next to it
Because of the persistence of NASB, I wondered if my Logos 6 settings had any influence, and I found it did.
When I changed my preferred Bible in Logos 6 to NIV, then tapping Bible Reference links in the note file on my tablet opens it in NIV. If I changed my preferred Bible in Logos 6 to ESV, then the same links open in ESV on my tablet - all without touching the preferred Bible setting in the Android Bible app.
I noticed also that when I change the preferred Bible in Logos 6, and tried a link on my tablet as described above, the preferred Bible in the Android Bible app changed to the same setting as in Logos 6.
Logos 6 preferred Bible setting should not change the preferred Bible in the mobile apps (Bible, Faithlife Study Bible, Vyrso, etc.).
I use the two devices (laptop, tablet) for different purposes and those uses don't always use the same preferred Bible.
- I use Logos 6 on my laptop to study the Bible and prepare lessons/sermons. My primary English study translation is NASB, so I have Logos 6 set to NASB.
- When I teach or preach, I try to use the translation most common among the audience. I may not know which translation I am going to use until I reach the venue where I am teaching/preaching - too late to change Logos 6 at home.
- For various reasons my pastor uses either NASB, ESV or HCSB when he teaches/preaches. Also, when I am on the road visiting a church, I won't know until the sermon starts which translation will be used. I need to be able to change the preferred Bible on my tablet when I am at the church.
I also use the various apps for different purposes for which I need a different preferred Bible.
Please remove the preferred Bible setting from the sync data. The preferred Bible should be controlled separately on each device and individually for each application (Bible, Faithlife Study Bible, Vyrso, etc.) on each device.
By the way, the note file I was using on my tablet was created in Logos 6. The note was not attached to any references (Bible or highlight). That note contains several Bible references in the body of the note that are not Bible-version specific. My expectation is that when I tap on a Bible reference within the note on my tablet it will go to that verse in the preferred Bible selected in settings for that application on that device.
Thank you for your help.
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Tim Hensler said:
Please remove the preferred Bible setting from the sync data. The preferred Bible should be controlled separately on each device and individually for each application (Bible, Faithlife Study Bible, Vyrso, etc.) on each device.
This request will have to be reviewed by Development; I will write up a case. Many customers want their preferred Bible to sync from Desktop (regardless of the mobile app being used), and most customers have a single preferred Bible (not multiple ones).
Another setting could possibly be added to the Mobile apps to control whether or not the preferred Bible should sync (on a per-app basis) but I doubt the existing default will be changing anytime soon.Tim Hensler said:By the way, the note file I was using on my tablet was created in Logos 6. The note was not attached to any references (Bible or highlight). That note contains several Bible references in the body of the note that are not Bible-version specific. My expectation is that when I tap on a Bible reference within the note on my tablet it will go to that verse in the preferred Bible selected in settings for that application on that device.
This is currently not supported and there is already a case.
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:Another setting could possibly be added to the Mobile apps to control whether or not the preferred Bible should sync (on a per-app basis)
This would be nice.
Thank you, Kevin.
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Hi Tim,
We've identified the issue with being unable to change your Preferred Bible. Sorry about that! We will fix that soon.
We won't be adding additional per-app settings at this time, but hopefully being able to change your Preferred Bible will help alleviate the pain point!
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Yes, that would be very helpful.
Thank you, David.
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Hi David,
I just discovered an interesting affect this problem has on the Logos 6 prioritization list. I went to prioritize some resources in Logos 6 and found many and repeated Bibles added to the top of my priority list. It looks like they were added when I changed the preferred Bible in the Android Bible app.