WISHLIST: A few things I miss in v4

So far, a few things I miss:
- Visual Markups plus the flexibility of the visual style of mark-ups
- Morphology visual filter
- Spacebar for “page down”
- Gestures
- The “next” & “previous” navigation dropdowns\buttons in resources
- Keylinking options
- Bible speed search
- Sentence diagrammer
- Free choice of font for Greek resources - I prefer SegoeUI
- Mouseover popups - related to the lack of keylinking functionality.
Unless I'm missing something!
agree on the next/previous buttons. Very helpful in dictionaries.
I miss the parallel resources, for those which I bothered to set up.
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RichardLyall said:
Morphology visual filter
This exists in Logos 4 (File > Visual Filter).
RichardLyall said:Keylinking options
This is accomplished in Prioritize in Library.
RichardLyall said:Bible speed search
The new Bible Search is faster. What would a Bible Speed Search have to offer?
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Phil Gons said:
I've just tried it and I'm not impressed. I followed the HELP instructions, but:-
- I have to select the resources ie. know their data type
- the list does not distinguish resources by data type. How does it help to intermingle eg. Greek bibles and Greek lexicons? Whilst I seem to have affected Greek keylinking to my #1 lexicon, Word Study still choses Byz (with the wrong morphology!) for its TEXTUAL SEARCH whilst LGNTI is the first Greek bible.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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What is the syntax for Visual Filter queries? Doesn't seem to be in Help? All it says is "Type your query in the left hand box" ... and Visual Filters is "Under Construction."
e.g. NA27 - verbs in red, conjunctions in blue - is that possible?
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Oh, and "Serial\Parallel" resources ... will this be included? I link NA27 to LHI but now I have to keep them both open and switch across manually. And what will happen with commentary series etc?
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I can't make head or tail of the instructions for Prioritise Resources - where are "steps a, b & c"? In another section? Which one?
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RichardLyall said:
What is the syntax for Visual Filter queries?
Think of the visual filters as a combination of the basic search and the morph search. You can enter in anything that you could enter in one of these searches. To learn the syntax for a morph visual filter, do a morph search and copy the code over.
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OK thanks Philip - will try it out.
Will there be a more customisable range of visual filer styles? I'd prefer to change the font colour itself.
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RichardLyall said:
Will there be a more customisable range of visual filer styles? I'd prefer to change the font colour itself.
I'm not sure what the plans are for 4.0, but I agree that it would be useful to have a wider range of markup options.
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RichardLyall said:
Will there be a more customisable range of visual filer styles? I'd prefer to change the font colour itself.
I hope so and I agree.
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Thanks chaps - got it working for now.
It does seem to take a while to update though, sometimes requiring clicks on a few different tabs for changes to be effected.
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RichardLyall said:
It does seem to take a while to update though, sometimes requiring clicks on a few different tabs for changes to be effected.
I'm hoping some of the sluggishness will be corrected in later betas.
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Dave Hooton said:
the list does not distinguish resources by data type. How does it help to intermingle eg. Greek bibles and Greek lexicons? Whilst I seem to have affected Greek keylinking to my #1 lexicon, Word Study still choses Byz (with the wrong morphology!) for its TEXTUAL SEARCH whilst LGNTI is the first Greek bible.
This simply sounds like a bug in Textual Search in Bible Word Study.
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I miss the daily Devotional books in sync with the prsent day rather than going through the contents page to find the currecnt date to rread.
Also the Keylink summary, the Topic search and the Englishman's concordance is another feature that I hope is put back in v.4, that would be great.
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Richard Stevens said:
I miss the daily Devotional books in sync with the prsent day rather than going through the contents page to find the currecnt date to rread.
I still have a link on my devotional's title page that says "Go to today's reading".
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True, some do and some don't, but the particular ones that I use do not have this feature yet, for example the LCMG devotional and the HG devotional.
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I miss the functions of forward and back arrows to quickly run through all bible versions for a particular passage or word etc. New births always carry some pain with them!
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I am able to use the arrow buttons to cycle through translations of a passage.