Initial reaction

TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

As I contemplate the transition The first thing which comes to mind is the amount of customization I'd done on Libronix 3.  I had toolbars I'd made for my own purpose that did all sorts of things like drop down lists of bibles, or grammars.  Now I'm staring at a blank slate, with no idea if my old customizations will be possible or necessary.  So it's time to dig in and look around without much ado concerning what I want to change, it's all about what's supposed to be there in a fresh install...

Somewhere in the midst of transitioning from 3 to 4 I'm going to have to learn the program from scratch this much is clear.  This is NOT Libronix 3 - which is fine, but it's going to take a new mindset.

I'm running my first beta as a download (I'm waiting to install the DVD as I should on my main system) on a freshly installed Pentium 2.5 with 512 MB of RAM.  It's a laptop with WINXPHome on it.  I installed the OS, all the patches and then installed Libronix 3.  Next came the upgrade version which almost immediately asked to install NET framework 3.5  Ok.  I did that.  Just a few very brief questions later and up came a large screen warning me that what comes next could take a VERY long time.  True words. 

It's a good thing I've read here about the long indexing process or I might have gone over the edge.  As it was I got to that point and went away, from the office, from home to a friends and spent the next 8 hours oblivious to what was happening.  Then I came home and went to bed determined not to look at my computer - my strategy worked.  I walked into my office with a newspaper on my screen.


I see a multicolumned layout newspaper type experience.  Is Logos telling me that interacting with the

word of God is as relevant as this morning's newspaper?  More so?  I don't read the newspaper, I'm an internet era guy, so this is

a bit overwhelming even for me.  After writing this and coming back to it, I realize it is categorized, and it does represent a

bold new way of representing blog posts from Logos, and excerpts from a few select books, (Why the BE commentaries only though?) 

Certainly I don't mind the Wiersbe comentaries, I read them on occasion - but is it random that the wiersbe series is chosen or is

it by design?  Oh, and then there's the unused "american minute" daily devotional too.  Hrm, I wonder if I can change that...
Poking around some more I click a blog title and it opens in my web browser.  Clicking on an article title of a book excerpt and

it opens in a new "tab"   Suddenly my home page is gone and I'm staring at the contents of the book - it takes a few seconds to

realize that the (large) icon's running across the top have changed and the book icon is subtly highlighted. 
I wonder what happens if I restart?

I closed the window and after waiting a few moments for the memory to flush I double clicked the new icon again.  This time I was not asked to log in with credentials, they were apparently saved from the last time and a good 30 seconds or so ensued as I was logged back in. 

I just discovered the Customize button on the bottom of the home page, Clicking it I attempt to customize some things.  I discover that I can move around the three items on the top Choose prefered bible, Reading plan and lectionary.  But since I don't use a lectionary I don't care about it.  How can I disable it?  I can't?  Aw for crying out loud.  I don't want it.

Play time is over, I have a sermon on the trinity coming up this Sunday and lots of work to do.  Let's see what Logos 4 can do.

Action steps:

  1. Let me turn off the unused lectionary.
  2. Let me add non-logos RSS feeds, it could be fun.


Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 



  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭
    I enjoyed your story. I think it is very helpful to Logos to learn how new eyes perceive their work.

    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • George Allakhverdyan
    George Allakhverdyan Member Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭

    Play time is over, I have a sermon on the trinity coming up this Sunday and lots of work to do.  Let's see what Logos 4 can do.

    Action steps:

    1. Let me turn off the unused lectionary.
    2. Let me add non-logos RSS feeds, it could be fun.


    Thomas, I think you may find the features of Logos4 pretty useful once you get going. Check out the 'Handouts' I think it will help you in your sermon on Sunday. Also it is quite easy to retain previous workspaces by using the 'Layouts' drop-down in the top-right corner. And don't forget about your shortcuts toolbar at the top, you can drag literally any action up there like anything from the file/guides/tools menus, any book from my library, any tab that is open (and yes it will remember all the currently displaying data or your position in the resource) you can even drag-drop shortcuts from your desktop into that toolbar that don't even relate to the program. Also some of the guides actually create handouts for you in the sections, you can customize the guides to any template you wish too. Have fun and keep up the good feedback.

  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭
    The low memory and necessity of using RDP with my laptop makes working with Libronix4 impossibly slow right now compared to my desktop.

    As soon as my DVD comes however I'm looking forward to giving the handouts a workout.


    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.