New! Free church bulletin editor, online bulletins

Bob Pritchett
Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Our new Church Bulletin Editor is online!

You can:

  • Create a church bulletin with text, graphics, Bible passages, and a digital connection card.
  • Print the bulletin.
  • Copy the full text of the bulletin to the clipboard for more precise formatting in Word, Publisher or another tool.
  • View the Bulletin on mobile devices without any application or login.

If you use Proclaim, announcements, song titles, Bible verses, and more will automatically be added to the church's bulletin.

This if free, and it is live now.

Find your church at, and if you're an Admin you can create and edit the bulletin right now. Later, if anyone has filled in a digital connection card, you can download a CSV file with all the information.

Congregants can see the bulletin simply by visiting (use your church's Faithlife URL). On Saturday and Sunday each week the default view will be the Bulletins tab, so they can just go to that address and they're done.

(If you take regular attendance, people can use the digital bulletin each week to re-submit their presence without having to write their name again -- it will remember it between sessions.)

You can see some real, live bulletins from other churches here:

Here is a video tour:

Try it out and let us know what you think!

Why Use a Digital Bulletin?

  • Announcement details can be downloaded directly to people's calendars. They're more likely to attend events they put on their calendar!
  • Bible verses are shown right on the phone, without a lot of thumb-navigation. A single click jumps through to a full Bible.
  • The Connection Card can be filled out easily without a pencil, and you can take weekly attendance without requiring people to fill in the form again each week. And no one has to type in all the cards!
  • Save paper!

Pro Tip

Visit and you can make a custom short URL for your church, so people can just navigate to or some other short URL.

