Faithlife Graphics

Colin Cameron
Colin Cameron Member Posts: 89 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there somewhere that I can get graphics to use on my congregation's website to promote our Faithlife Group? As Faithlife grows, I can see it being really helpful to our congregation and having a graphic and link on our homepage might help grow our group.

Peace & Blessings,




  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    We have a bunch of these available in Proclaim, but not separately downloadable yet. We'll work on this -- thanks for the reminder!

    -- Bob

  • Jim Straatman
    Jim Straatman Member, Logos Employee Posts: 81

    Colin, we have a  website plugin that makes it one-click easy to join/follow a group.

    Enter your group name in the plugin configuration wizard to get HTML and JavaScript for your websites. Let us know if you have any questions about the plugin. 



  • Colin Cameron
    Colin Cameron Member Posts: 89 ✭✭

    Thanks Bob. It still amazes me when you answer questions in these forums. The company has come a long way since I started using the products in the early-mid 1990s. I'm glad that you still stay in touch with the customer base.

    Peace & Blessings,


  • Colin Cameron
    Colin Cameron Member Posts: 89 ✭✭

    Thanks Jim.

    The limitations of the web creation software I use made it a little tricky to get it to look right, however I've got the code in now.

    Peace & Blessings,


  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Bob. It still amazes me when you answer questions in these forums. The company has come a long way since I started using the products in the early-mid 1990s. I'm glad that you still stay in touch with the customer base.

    Peace & Blessings,


     I concur. That makes me such a PROUD Logos user ~ the idea that the founder and CEO of a software platform with a few million users (I think?) actually takes the time to surf the forums, interact with customers, and answer specific questions...and that he takes suggestions seriously, to boot! That's just cool to me! 

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College