Text Comparison Bible versions

Glen Brown
Glen Brown Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I see that at some version the Text Comparison changed to a scrolling view.  That is a very helpful feature.  

The Bible versions presented also changed, and I don't know how to change them or get them to match the Bibles in Preferred Resources on desktop.  The Text Comparison in the Logos Web App does match the Preferred Resources list in the desktop app.

Specifically, my Bibles in order are King James Version, New King James Version, NIV 84, ESV and NRSV.  The android app shows KJV, NKJV, then Darby and 1901 ASV.  I don't have Darby on the Preferred Resources list, and 1902 ASV is at the bottom of 16 Bibles prioritized.

I'm using the android app on a Samsung Note 10.1 2014, a Samsung Note 4, and Asus Flip Chromebook, all with the same results.

Does anyone else observe this discrepancy between android and desktop?  If not, it may be something in my settings I'm not aware of.





  • Willie
    Willie Member Posts: 181 ✭✭

    The android app shows KJV, NKJV, then Darby and 1901 ASV.  I don't have Darby on the Preferred Resources list, and 1902 ASV is at the bottom of 16 Bibles prioritized.

    Does anyone else observe this discrepancy between android and desktop?  


    Hi Glen,

    Last week I reported a similar issue but I incorrectly posted it as a reply to Faithlife's announcement of the Android Suite 5.4.5 Stable Release since that was the last release I could find that related to the Text Comparison tool.  I should have started a separate thread like you, but Kevin Byford was alert enough to find my post anyway and told me he was writing up a case.  

    In my Samsung Galaxy S-4, my top 5 Bibles are not displaying when using the Text Comparison tool.  Instead, I get  an original Greek text version (Westcott) and the ASV English version.  Neither of these are prioritized at all within my library.  Here's a link to the post I sent:     https://community.logos.com/forums/t/129367.aspx

    I'm sure the case Kevin wrote up last week will eventually get its turn.  

    Hope this helps



  • J David Shuttleworth
    J David Shuttleworth Member Posts: 94 ✭✭

    I am having the same issue with my device running Android 6.0 and the latest version of The Bible app. I can not change the top Bibles and I can compare text in the OT either. Please help this is very annoying. Thank you, all for your time and assistance. God Bless!!