Disable Community Notes on All resources

Martin Folley
Martin Folley Member Posts: 1,151 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am uncertain as to the authors of the community notes ... and mean no disrespect to them ... but what are the notes, especially in the context of the iPad?

I keep finding that resources have community notes switched on ... but I cannot see them ... and given the appalling speed of the app ... I am looking to disable to all things that may, in any way, slow it down.

How do I disable all community notes (and tags, if such things exist) from all resources, both now and for all future resources?


2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro



  • Richard Wardman
    Richard Wardman Member Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭

    Hi Martin

    I am uncertain as to the authors of the community notes ... and mean no disrespect to them ... but what are the notes, especially in the context of the iPad?

    The authors of community notes are other Logos/FL users who have added notes in their resources and shared them with the Faithlife community. 

    How do I disable all community notes (and tags, if such things exist) from all resources, both now and for all future resources?

    This has been asked before - https://community.logos.com/forums/p/98267/678689.aspx#678689

    It seems from this that you can only turn off community notes for individual resources rather than all resources at once.

    Someone may be able to correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my understanding.

    Hope that helps.

  • Martin Folley
    Martin Folley Member Posts: 1,151 ✭✭


    Thank you for the reply.

    I did search but I did not find that one. I notice that the other thread was from 2014.

    Almost 2 years later ... we are still being linked to data that has no known provenance (apologies again, but in the light of the debates about academic integrity it seems strange) ... and with no functional way of preventing it. This is in addition to the data download issues on mobile devices, the speed of data connections, and the speed of the app.

    The other thread had no Faithlife representation ... I wonder what the thinking is behind this feature being more or less compulsory.

    2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    Almost 2 years later ... we are still being linked to data that has no known provenance (apologies again, but in the light of the debates about academic integrity it seems strange) ... and with no functional way of preventing it.

    You raise an interesting point here and word of warning in regards to community notes and academic use.  

    I wonder what the thinking is behind this feature being more or less compulsory.

    In a word marketing.... they want church leaders to see Faithlife as the one stop shop for preparing sermons and bible studies (sermon editor etc) and delivery them to their congregations - proclaim for sermons and faithlife groups for bible studies and general communications with congregations (you can now 'distribute' you weekly church bulletin / newsletter via your churches faithlife groups.  Community Notes are an integral feature of Faithlife groups and hence why they are so hard to turn off.  

    Personally I am with you and would prefer to be able to turn them all off in mobile apps and then have the option to opt into community notes posted to a specific faithlife group (which may be more resource) or at the individual resource level, as I require at the time.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    An app-wide setting for turning off Community Notes isn't available because nobody complained about it until now and the code hasn't been written. Please try to dispose of conspiracy theories as it has nothing to do with marketing, control or making things hard to turn off. A case already exists for the issue.

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭

    An option to turn off all community notes would be great - not only in the mobile apps, but also on Biblia.com and on the desktop application.

    99.9% of the community notes are generally useless (at least for me), and if switching them off increases app speed, bandwidth wastage and distraction from the original resources, that'd be a very welcome change.

  • Into Grace
    Into Grace Member Posts: 692 ✭✭

    Please implement the option to globally disable all community notes. Thank you. 


  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Please implement the option to globally disable all community notes. Thank you. 

    As previously mentioned a case already exists.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

     and given the appalling speed of the app ... 

    Have you created a post explaining exactly what speed issues you are experiencing? If not, please do so.

  • Martin Folley
    Martin Folley Member Posts: 1,151 ✭✭

    Kevin. My apologies. I do not want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I am genuinely struggling with the gap between the marketing strategies (current and past) employed by Faithlife and the prioritising of new features verses the development of core areas. I am sure that this has been asked before ... 2014 ... as I have already posted. If I have upset you, again my apologies ... however, if I have possibly challenged you into how decisions are being made, how product feature development is prioritised, a reflection upon what has been added at the core since L4 ... where is the bloat ... where are the inconsistencies ... then that is my intent. I (and many others) have invested heavily in Faithlife, and use it daily. This Forum is the only place that we have to express our thoughts and concerns. I do not discuss Logos outside of these forums, it has been a long time where I have recommended Logos to anybody ... and not through lack of opportunity. I am concerned ... I actively want the core app to be a good as it can be ... I would like to be able to recommend it to people as I could with L4.

    Speed issues: Yes a case was created some time ago. I even suggested that it might be a hardware issue ... time for a new device ... but was assured that it was not ... and things were being investigated. I cannot type, into notes, 3 words before the app stalls, buffers, and comes back later with a flurry of typing. 

    2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309


    Please don't apologize as there is no need to, but the bulk of your comment is completely unrelated to the topic of this thread.

    Posting to the correct forum is important to get more visibility for your (apparent) longstanding dispute with Faithlife. This thread really isn't the place to discuss it because I honestly can't help you. The iPhone/iPad Apps forum is not about Faithlife marketing, strategies, feature prioritization, product development decisions, core Logos Desktop features, designs, future goals, or how you (and others) might disagree with any or all of them.

    Back to the topic at hand, the customer who posted back in 2014 seemed satisfied with the existing mobile setting that turns off Community Notes on a per-resource basis. To my knowledge he hasn't mentioned it since which indicates the issue was resolved for him. I'm happy that you posted about this issue again since we can't correct issues that we don't know about.

    Please create a new post for the speed issue, and include reproduction steps.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,094

    Please implement the option to globally disable all community notes. Thank you. 

    As previously mentioned a case already exists.

    Hi Kevin

    Just a suggestion on this.

    On the desktop there is the ability to disable community notes from a particular Faithlife group for all resources

    This setting is synced to the mobile app.

    So just wondering if there is already an adequate mechanism in place - I appreciate its not at the global level but it is as the Faithlife group level which may be sufficient?

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    An app-wide setting for turning off Community Notes isn't available because nobody complained about it until now and the code hasn't been written. Please try to dispose of conspiracy theories as it has nothing to do with marketing, control or making things hard to turn off. A case already exists for the issue.

    The fact such basic functionality wasn't implemented in the first place Kevin leaves us no other option than to feel Faithlife has an agenda for not giving users the option this sort of thing off.   

    Stuff like this really shouldn't have to wait for a bunch of complaints before it is implemented.  If you are going to force content upon users from a source they did not ask for in the first place you should give them the ability to turn it off.  

    If the developers start to actually think about the end user experiences from all angles then they would start to understand not all users want 'stuff' forced upon them on mobile devices without the option to opt out. And its not only true of the mobile applications.  If you read some of the other forums some users are even not happen about stuff been forced upon them in the desktop application.  

    Kevin laying aside this particular issue.  I want to end on  positive note and say what a great job you do on the forums supporting users of the mobile apps.  I even see you responding at all hours from home. That is going way beyond the call of duty. Thank you.