Danish version- slow navigation

Actually I enjoy a lot of the features in the Logos app. But the most fundamerntal feature, to read and search is simply very much to slow. I somewhat regret paying money for this. It is not functional as it is now. I can give You my specs, but it is simply the app and its way to navigate that is to slow. It seems "heavy" as if it searches through a lot of fotos. I have only used the Danish version. No other of my bible apps are this slow. MOTO G 2nd gen (1039) (8GB storage,1 GB ram), Android 5.1
I chose to contact You here rather than rating 3 stars in Play Store...
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Shalom Jan!
Are you using the Danish Common Language Version? I can confirm that this resource is very slow in navigating.
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Hi H.J.
I rated two stars and was asked to post "the issue" here. I really think the issue is covered. You have a very fine app with a lot of good features which unfortunately is challenged by a very slow Danish CLV navigation. The technical background for this problem I do not know. But usage of the Danish CLV is my only reason for spending money on an app. I could have used the free one otherwise. I really think in this matter the software doesn't 'deliver' in my language. In my country CLV is the autoritative, 'signed by the Queen', most used version. Without it, the app is quite irrelevant to me.
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If it isn't already, please download the Danish CLV and see if performance improves.
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Yes! (Please read the thread) My only downloads are Lexham and The Danish CLV. The 29. September I got this answer:
HJ. van der Wal posted to Re: Danish version- slow navigation in the Android Apps forum
Shalom Jan!
Are you using the Danish Common Language Version? I can confirm that this resource is very slow in navigating.
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Just to verify, does the resource have a solid blue circular "i" icon when shown in the Library? Please see https://monosnap.com/file/O1Xn13PtLmW18ud8EXxKZCvN7IkwBS .
Does your device have wifi or is it cellular only? This is the navigation speed I'm seeing, which seems quite good: https://monosnap.com/file/JuDpYrMNUvsjy3t73DKhibTvNPp2G2 .