Verse memorization feature

God bless:
Maybe a silly question:
Does anyone know if the verse memorization feature is available in i phone / Android and how does one set it up to work a particular passage list?
Thanks ahead of time for any guidance, or any referral to the thread touching on this.
This feature is not available in the mobile apps.
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OK, thanks, I guess Anki will have to do.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
OK, thanks, I guess Anki will have to do.
While Anki is great for memorizing vocabulary, you can find something better than Anki for memorizing bible verses.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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FighterVerse is a good Scripture memorization app.
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God bless:
Thank you for the link to the app.
To other posters, thanks for the input.
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The ScriptureTyper app has completely revolutionized my scripture memorization. There is a free website, as well as an awesome app (free app version has 50 verse limit).
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Thanks for the info EZ, I will take a look at it.
Peace and grace.