Passage Guide and Notes

Bobby Bosler
Bobby Bosler Member Posts: 55 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I don't know if this is a question or a feature request. Probably the latter.

I am excited about the strategy I've begun to use to take personal study notes. I've been creating a daily entry, with the simple title as the date, "Monday, February 15, 2016", reading a digestible portion of Scripture and putting down my thoughts as I read, and then when I'm done, I will "Edit the Attachment Points" to tag it with the passage I've read. I've also taken the same approach to sermon notes, only in a different note file. There's more to it than that, but that would be outside the scope of my question.

One of the reasons I wanted to organize my notes this way, particularly using the "Attachment Points" feature, is because of searchability. If I create a new search for a reference I have studied, it shows up under "My Documents" in the search results. It is displayed nicely, with each note entry displayed separately and an brief excerpt. This is perfect!

However, this is not working as I'd expected and hoped in the case of the Passage Guide. When I search for a particular reference in the Passage guide, all that I get is the note title, which is not very helpful. Furthermore, when I click on the note title, it does not even take me to the note entry in question. It merely drops me off at the top of the note and leaves me to find the entry I want manually. Not very intuitive.

Is there a different way to do this? Or should I wait with the hopes that a future release will include this feature?
