3 hings that would make the iPad app far better for reading the Bible in original languages

Andrew116 Member Posts: 72 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi all, especially Faithlife devs - thanks for all your hard work. 

I want to be able to use my iPhone or iPad quickly and easily to look up original language things in my own Bible reading and in small group Bible study. 

Here are 3 things that I think would make it much better. If these things were implemented, Logos would be the best on the market for iOS Bible study, I think. At the moment A-Competitor has the edge on some of these. 

1. Being able to link Greek and Hebrew texts into one text on iPad

2. The ability to save simple layouts and open them from the home screen. 

It always takes me several clicks to set up my preferred layout for reading with original languages (English paralleled with Greek/Hebrew). I need to get an English Bible, then slide across for 2 panes, then get the greek text, then link them, then turn scrolling on... 

This is painful to have to repeat often! Could we have an option to save this layout?

My home screen has my reading plans and nothing else. I like that I can just press on a reading plan and go straight to the book. It would be great to add the option for another section to the home page: 'Favourites' or 'shortcuts'. Here you can add links to resources you frequently use (e.g. ESV, UBS, BHS).

This shortcuts section would be a great place to put a link to a saved layout ;)

3. Simple offline lookups of words. This is the most requested feature on Uservoice for a reason. A-Competitor does this exceptionally well. It assumes that if you press and hold on a word in a Biblical text, you want information about the word. It automatically and instantly gives you the underlying word, parsing info, a gloss, and the beginning of your top lexicon information. Below are the other options, which is where Logos' existing options (Copy, Look Up, Search, Share, Highlight, etc) could go, so there would be no loss of functionality. It would be ideal to have a 1 click way to expand the lexicon entry too. All this should be do-able without an internet connection. A-Competitor manages it...


The focus seems to be on the Desktop version, and I understand that. The iOS version never needs to be as powerful as the desktop. But since more and more is being done on tablets these days, and since reading original languages is a very 'tablet' sort of activity (ie. simply reading), it would be hugely helpful to have these features.

I'm torn between Logos and Accordance for iOS. I have resources in both systems for this reason - it's much easier to read original languages on Accordance. If these things were improved I would feel comfortable selling my Accordance resources and moving it all to Logos.

