Bug regarding clippings and missing book names

When I make a clipping from my ESV bible the chapter shows up but not the book. Kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me. Is this a bug or just something very important that was overlooked?
I'm in the latest version of iOS which is 10.2.1 I believe.
Matt Zimmerman said:
When I make a clipping from my ESV bible the chapter shows up but not the book. Kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me. Is this a bug or just something very important that was overlooked?
Good question - but this is consistent with how it works on the desktop and so I expect it is "by design"
The screenshot below shows two clippings - the first one created on the desktop, the second on the iPad. Both appear similar - and both have links to the actual reference in the top left of the clipping. The only difference I can see is that the desktop app applies a tagging to the clipping
My guess is that Clippings are designed to be a tool that works across many different types of resources and so handling the different books within the Bible would complicate things. I do think it would be nice to be included.
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I see. Yeah, I agree it would make sense for it to be able to detect bibles and identify the book names being clipped from. Would be very useful.
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Hi Matt,
For the most part the mobile apps use the Desktop app as the reference standard. If you feel this is an important change please suggest it for the Desktop app and (if it is implemented) there is then cause to add it to the mobile apps.
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Will do! Thanks!