Undoing Highlights, Brackets, etc.

I have highlighted some passages and placed brackets and underlines at other passages by mistake and I'm trying to figure out how to undo those highlights, brackets, and underlines. Can anyone tell me how or am I committed once I do the action?
Hi Michael,
Welcome to the forums!
If you single-tap on any of the highlights you've created a context menu will appear. Just tap on the trash icon at the far left in the context menu bar and that highlight will be deleted. If you have multiple highlights, repeat the steps.
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Thanks, sounds easy enough. But, when I tried to do as you said, whenever I would single tap on the extra brackets, no menu would pop up. I tried several times and even expanded the size of the text, but no menu would ever come up when I single tapped, at least not with a trash can available. So, I still don't know what I am doing wrong and I'm wondering if I should contact Logos support. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
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For the menu Kevin refers to to appear you need to have "Swipe to Highlight" selected in the View Settings for the resource.
Tap at the top of the resource, click the three vertical dots on the right (at least that's where they are on my phone), choose "View Settings" and check if that option is selected
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Okay, never mind on my last rsponse. I figured out that if I single tap just below the bracket, that menu you mentioned appears along with the trashcan. So again, thanks for educating me.
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Thanks Graham, I appreciate that information. I actually went into my settings and selected that"Swipe to Highlight" feature and then went out and tried selecting the brackets again, but just below the actual bracket, and this time I got the menu. But, I didn't realize that feature had anything to do with that menu until I read your post. So, I also want to thank you for the quick education.
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Is there an equivalent function on the desktop program? It'd be nice to be able to click on a mistake and easily delete like this. I haven't figured out how to do it as easily on the desktop program.
I usually erase the highlight which sometimes erases notes along with it.
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