Minor BUG: Library, Sort by recent

When my library is sorted by recent, the resources really are sorted by recent, but the last access info (right side) is incorrect, and not at all indicative of the last access. See the screenshot. The resources are sorted correctly, but the info on the right (last used) is incorrect. Has been like this for some time, but is minor.
For clarification: The book "Alza tus ojos" was your fourth most recently used book, but it wasn't last used in September of 2015?
I noticed that you were either offline OR all of the visible books were already downloaded. Which is the case? How many downloaded books do you have?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Yes, those resources are downloaded and I was online yesterday and today. Not sure how many resources I have downloaded, maybe 30 or so.0 -
If you change the sort view, does the info change? In other words, is there something wrong with the view, or simply the information?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Change sort to title, then to author and back to recent yields the same display: the resources are sorted correctly but the info on the right is still incorrect.
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OK. So the issue is with the info, and not with "sort by recent." Hopefully Kevin can create a ticket for the issue.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Hey Bill! Thanks for posting about this. Have you tried the following:
- Restarting the App
- Restarting the Device
- Shutting down the app, turning wifi off, then back on, then starting the app back up
I have a feeling this may be linked to a sync issue on the device, please let me know your results.
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Thanks, Brandyn, for looking into this. As I mentioned originally, this has been going on for some time... several months at least, maybe a year or more, so I have shutdown and restarted the application and my iPad numerous times, even updating the Logos Bible! app and iPad OS several times. Three other things to note:
1) I am using Favorites to create my own reading plan, so I often "enter" the resource from the Favorites menu instead of from the Reading tab (if that makes sense, or makes a difference)
2) I've noticed that the info on the right usually updates if I "touch" an area of the resource I hadn't read before, but doesn't update if I'm looking at a portion I've already seen.
3) the sorting appears to always be correct. It appears to me the program uses one piece of metadata for the sort, yet displays other metadata for info on the right
My NASB and Alza Tus Ojos react differently. Although I've completely read through both of them, if I open NASB from the reading pane, it sorts correctly and updates the info on the right. When I open Alza from the reading tab, the sort updates correctly but not the info on the right. Bibles are handled differently from other resources?
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Hi Bill,
I'm able to reproduce this issue - I'll write up a case.
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Thanks, Kevin.