What Greek and Hebrew Fonts do you use?

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802
edited November 2024 in English Forum

We're updating our white lists of Greek and Hebrew fonts that show up in the drop-down menu in the settings panel.

  1. What fonts do you use for Greek and Hebrew?
  2. Are there any fonts you'd like to see added to the white lists? We're only interested in adding fonts that have full support for all the characters needed for biblical Greek and Hebrew.

Here's our current Greek white list:

  1. Arial Unicode MS
  2. Brill
  3. Galatia SIL
  4. Gentium
  5. Gentium Plus
  6. GentiumAlt
  7. GFS Decker
  8. GFS DidotClassic
  9. GFS Goschen
  10. GFS Philostratos
  11. GFS Solomos
  12. GFS Porson
  13. KadmosU
  14. Noto Sans
  15. Noto Serif
  16. Palatino Linotype
  17. SBL BibLit
  18. SBL Greek
  19. Skolar Logos
  20. Skolar PE

Here's our current Hebrew white list:

  1. Ezra SIL
  2. Ezra SIL SR
  3. Keter Aram Tsova
  4. Keter YG
  5. SBL BibLit
  6. SBL Hebrew
  7. Shofar
  8. Taamey Ashkenaz
  9. Taamey David CLM
  10. Taamey Frank CLM

